• 2246 Dorado Cerro Court, Chico, CA 95928
Visit Website

Fig & Scout Farms is a 12 acre moth­er-daugh­ter owned and run flower farm where you can pick your own flow­ers and cre­ate a one-of-a-kind bou­quet. It is a work­ing farm, so expect dirt, bees, and oth­er wild insects, and dress appropriately.

Fol­low them on Insta­gram .


Fig & Scout is open by appoint­ment only, which can be made on their Face­book page .

What’s Pro­vid­ed

  • Snip­pers
  • Gloves
  • Mason jar

Sea­son­al Classes

In addi­tion to the sum­mer flower pick­ing sea­son, Fig & Scout also hosts sea­son­al bou­quet- and wreath-mak­ing class­es. Check out their Face­book page for infor­ma­tion on classes.

fig scout farms pick flowers locally grown chico butte county northern california