Com­mu­ni­ty Partners

Vis­it & Live

Whether you’re plan­ning your next vis­it or are con­sid­er­ing mov­ing, these are great resources to learn more about every­thing that’s hap­pen­ing in Butte Coun­ty’s excit­ing city cen­ters and downtowns.

Downtown Chico
Down­town Chico Busi­ness Association

Down­town Chico Busi­ness Association

Learn more about the excit­ing events, arts, cul­ture, and din­ing in Down­town Chico .

Downtown Oroville
Down­town Oroville Busi­ness Association

Down­town Oroville Busi­ness Association

Learn more about Down­town Oroville and its unique ver­sion of small-town America.

Welcome to the Ridge
Wel­come to the Ridge

Wel­come to the Ridge

At Wel­come to the Ridge , you’ll find every­thing you need as you con­sid­er vis­it­ing or relo­cat­ing to the towns of Par­adise and Mag­a­lia, local­ly known as The Ridge”

Busi­ness & Government

Learn more about how you can bring your busi­ness to Butte Coun­ty and oth­er great net­work­ing events and opportunities.

Big­gs & Gridley

City of Biggs
City of Biggs

City of Biggs

The City of Biggs is locat­ed in the heart of rice coun­try in the North­ern Sacra­men­to Val­ley of California.

City of Gridley
City of Gridley

City of Gridley

The City of Gridley is a quaint com­mu­ni­ty of 7,000 res­i­dents locat­ed in the heart of the beau­ti­ful Sacra­men­to Valley.

Gridley Area Chamber of Commerce
Gri­d­ley Area Cham­ber of Commerce

Gri­d­ley Area Cham­ber of Commerce

The Gri­d­ley Area Cham­ber of Commerce sup­ports Gri­d­ley’s busi­ness com­mu­ni­ty and shares infor­ma­tion about local events.


Chico Chamber
Chico Cham­ber of Commerce

Chico Cham­ber

The Chico Cham­ber of Commerce advo­cates for busi­ness­es and sup­ports poli­cies and pro­grams that help the com­mu­ni­ty grow.

City of Chico
City of Chico and Choose Chico

City of Chico

The City of Chico is the urban cen­ter of Butte Coun­ty and home to more than 200,000 peo­ple. Learn more about why your should Choose Chico for work, fun, and life.


City of Oroville
City of Oroville

City of Oroville

The City of Oroville is the gate­way to Lake Oroville and Feath­er Riv­er recre­ation areas and is the sec­ond largest munic­i­pal­i­ty in Butte County.

Oroville Chamber of Commerce
Oroville Cham­ber of Commerce

Oroville Cham­ber of Commerce

The Oroville Cham­ber of Commerce works to cre­ate pow­er­ful part­ner­ships to unite and grow mem­ber businesses.


Paradise Ridge Chamber
Par­adise Ridge Cham­ber of Commerce

Par­adise Ridge Cham­ber of Commerce

The Par­adise Ridge Cham­ber of Commerce sup­ports Par­adis­e’s and Mag­a­li­a’s busi­ness com­mu­ni­ty and shares infor­ma­tion about local events.

Town of Paradise
Town of Paradise

Town of Paradise

Keep up with updates with the Town of Paradise .