Paradise Event Venues

Paradise Lutheran Church

  • 780 Luther Drive, Paradise, CA, USA
(530) 877-3549
Visit Website

At the Par­adise Luther­an Church, ban­quets, busi­ness and pro­fes­sion­al meet­ings, par­ties, reunions, BBQ’s, cel­e­bra­tions of life, wed­dings, recep­tions, rehearsal din­ners, engage­ment par­ties, show­ers, anniver­saries, and renew­al of vows and almost any oth­er event can be accommodated.

The facil­i­ties are avail­able for use by the gen­er­al pub­lic on an afford­able use-fee basis and include a large mod­ern hall with out­door patio, ful­ly-equipped com­mer­cial kitchen, beau­ti­ful chapel, and an exec­u­tive loft with state-of-the art sound/​video equip­ment, Inter­net and Wi-Fi.

The prop­er­ty sits on land­scaped grounds includ­ing a gar­den that offers a pret­ty set­ting for an out­door cer­e­mo­ny or event. Plus there is plen­ty of park­ing includ­ing option­al RV space rental.

Avail­able Rooms

  • Luther Hall┃4,160 Sq. feet┃Capacity 160 people
  • Chapel┃2.376 Sq. feet┃Capacity 122 people
  • Loft┃Capacity 45 people

For more infor­ma­tion or to make an appoint­ment to see Par­adise Luther­an Church facil­i­ties, email info@​paradiselutheran.​org
