Museum Month
Museum Month

Museum Month

March 1 – 312025

Explore Butte Coun­ty is your host for Butte Coun­ty Muse­um Month! Vis­it muse­ums, gal­leries, and cul­tur­al cen­ters across the coun­ty all-month long. 

Kick off Muse­um Month with the admis­sion-free Muse­um Week­end, March 1 – 2, 2025. Dur­ing Muse­um Week­end, all venues open 10am-4pm, with new exhibits and spe­cial pro­gram­ming at each location.

Get more from your vis­its with our dig­i­tal Muse­um Month Pass­port. By par­tic­i­pat­ing, you can earn a cus­tom stick­er, com­pete with friends on a vir­tu­al leader­board as you vis­it mul­ti­ple loca­tions, and earn entries into the grand prize draw­ing for a mem­ber­ship to a muse­um of your choice from eli­gi­ble locations.

Learn More: Mile­stones & RewardsPrizes & Reg­u­la­tionsPar­tic­i­pat­ing Locations

Get the Free Muse­um Month Pass­port today!

Every check-in earns you an entry into the grand prize draw­ing. Earn a col­lectible Muse­um Month stick­er with just five check-ins.

Join the Challenge Today

No Tick­et or Reg­is­tra­tion is Required to Participate!

  1. Get your dig­i­tal Muse­um Month Pass­port on your smart­phone at this link: go​.explore​but​te​coun​ty​.com (Noth­ing to down­load, but we rec­om­mend adding it to your cell phone Home screen for quick­er access)
  2. Click​“Join the Chal­lenge”. From Mar. 1 – 31, 2025, check-in with a pho­to at par­tic­i­pat­ing muse­ums across Butte County
  3. Share your muse­um moments. Once you’ve logged into the web app, vis­it a par­tic­i­pat­ing muse­um and take a pho­to to​“check-in” and upload as proof. Earn a col­lectible Muse­um Month stick­er with 5 check-ins, entries into the grand prize draw­ing with each check-in, and fun dig­i­tal mile­stone badges.


Every check-in at a par­tic­i­pat­ing loca­tion is one entry into our Grand Prize draw­ing, and four (4) Grand Prize win­ners will be ran­dom­ly select­ed to win a mem­ber­ship of their choice from one of the fol­low­ing muse­ums: Cen­ter­ville-Col­man Muse­um, Chico Chil­dren’s Muse­um, Chico His­to­ry Muse­um, Gate­way Sci­ence Muse­um, Gri­d­ley Muse­um, Janet Turn­er Print Muse­um, Muse­um of North­ern Cal­i­for­nia Art (mon­ca), The Stans­bury Home, or the Valene Smith Anthro­pol­o­gy Museum.

Mem­ber­ships have a max val­ue of $100 and will cov­er the win­ner and guest/​family mem­ber for a year.

Keep an eye on our Insta­gram and Face­book pages for updates and announcements.


Muse­um Month stick­ers are avail­able for pick­up between March 1 and April 11, 2025, at the fol­low­ing locations:

  • Dur­ing Muse­um Week­end (Mar. 1 & Mar. 2) only: Oroville State The­ater at 1489 Myers St, Oroville, and Muse­um of North­ern Cal­i­for­nia Art, 900 Esplanade, Chico
  • Oroville Cham­ber of Com­merce: 1789 Mont­gomery St., Mon.-Fri. 9am-3pm
  • Chico Vis­i­tors Cen­ter: 180 E 4th St #120, Mon.-Fri. 10am-3pm (call before pick­up to con­firm staff is avail­able: (530) 8915556)
  • Down­town Chico Wel­come Cen­ter: 338 Broad­way, Tues.-Fri. 10am-5pm & Sat. 10am-2pm
  • Par­adise Cham­ber of Com­merce: 6161 Clark Rd Ste. 1, Tues.-Fri. 10am-4pm

Must have proof of com­ple­tion via the app to pick up your prize. If you’re unable to pick up your prize in per­son, please email contact@​explorebuttecounty.​com to make oth­er arrange­ments. Grand prize win­ners will be announced by April 3, 2025, via email.


  • Check-ins require a pho­to from your vis­it to a par­tic­i­pat­ing loca­tion or from a spe­cif­ic list­ed event (for event” check-ins).
  • Check before you vis­it. Muse­um Week­end March 1 – 2, 2025, is an admis­sion-free event from 10am-4pm, but the rest of the month, loca­tions and events have vary­ing hours and may have admis­sion fees.
  • Please share! Help get the word out about the Explore Butte Coun­ty Muse­um Month by shar­ing this chal­lenge with friends and fam­i­ly. Pro­mote your muse­um moments and cul­tur­al explo­rations on social media by tag­ging us: @explorebuttecountyca #Explore­Musuem­Month #Explore­But­te­Coun­ty

By par­tic­i­pat­ing in the Explore Butte Coun­ty Month Month, you agree that your sub­mit­ted check-ins and pho­tos may be used for Explore Butte Coun­ty mar­ket­ing. You also agree to receive the month­ly Explore Butte Coun­ty newslet­ter (you may opt out at any time).

Par­tic­i­pat­ing Muse­um Month Locations

Find a Museum

Choose an Experience
What is Butte County Museum Month?

Butte County Museum Month is an event created to promote and celebrate history, art, and culture through our extensive network of museums and cultural centers. Museums, galleries, and other cultural destinations across the county will be showcasing their programs during the annual event.

How much is admission?

During the kick-off Museum Weekend, March 1-2, 2025, admission to all participating museums is free from 10am-4pm.

The rest of the month, people can visit participating museums during their normal operating hours with their normal operating admission fees (where applicable).