Oroville Family Adventure Outdoor Adventurer Hiking

Feather River Trail

Run­ning along the riv­er that gives it its name, the Feath­er Riv­er Trail starts at River­bend Park and mean­ders east upstream (right from the soc­cer fields) to Table Moun­tain Blvd. The paved trail and mul­ti­ple access points make it a pop­u­lar spot for walk­ers, bik­ers, fam­i­lies, those who use wheel­chairs, and those with dogs. Use one of those access points to get to the top of the lev­ee along Arlin Rhine Memo­r­i­al Dr. to see some of the city’s most pop­u­lar spots, includ­ing the Oroville Chi­nese Tem­ple and Cen­ten­ni­al Plaza. Back on the trail, you can see spawn­ing bass and salmon in the spring and fall, wad­ing fish­ers in the win­ter, and, at the end of the trail, a great view of the his­toric Table Moun­tain bridge any time of year.

Mod­i­fi­ca­tion: If you’re look­ing to extend your walk, cross Table Moun­tain Blvd. for a vis­it to the Feath­er Riv­er Nature Cen­ter, or cross the old Table Moun­tain Bridge and explore the unique views at the Feath­er Riv­er Fish Hatch­ery.

Key Info

Trail Dif­fi­cul­ty: Easy

Trail Length & Type: 3.6 miles, out-and-back

Best Used: Acces­si­ble year-round

Dogs: Allowed on leash

Trail Map: Inter­ac­tive Oroville Recre­ation Map

Oth­er Links: Google Maps Satel­lite View


From Chico, fol­low CA-70S and take Exit 47 toward Mont­gomery Street. Turn Right and fol­low until the road ends at River­bend Park.

Feather River Trail
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