Paradise Outdoor Adventurer Biking Birding Hiking Trails

Yellowstone Kelly Heritage Trail

The Yel­low­stone Kel­ly Her­itage Trail (for­mer­ly the Par­adise Memo­r­i­al Trail­way) is a con­vert­ed, paved rails-to-trails” path that runs par­al­lel to Sky­way for much of its length. Along the way, you’ll dis­cov­er over 30 plaques com­mem­o­rat­ing Par­adise his­to­ry and pio­neers, par­tic­u­lar­ly near Par­adise Com­mu­ni­ty Park, where you’ll find easy park­ing and start your trek. This walk­a­ble artery through town pro­vides min­i­mal shade cov­er­ing, so pre­pare accord­ing­ly. Make sure to enjoy a pic­nic in the park and a treat from Joy Lyn’s Can­dies (right across the street from Com­mu­ni­ty Park) pre- or post-hike.

Mod­i­fi­ca­tions: To make this an eas­i­er out­ing, dri­ve to the north­ern trail­head in Mag­a­lia near the inter­sec­tion of Pentz Rd. and Sky­way so that you’re walk­ing down­hill most of the way.

Want a chal­leng­ing trek? Dou­ble it by mak­ing it an out-and-back instead of arrang­ing for a point-to-point pick­up (for even more of a chal­lenge, also start at the north­ern trail­head so that you walk uphill on the return trip).

You can also add about anoth­er mile to your hike by start­ing at the offi­cial south trail­head, locat­ed at the Town of Par­adise — Wel­come” sign at the inter­sec­tion of Sky­way and Neal Rd.

Key Info

Trail Dif­fi­cul­ty: Mod­er­ate

Trail Length & Type: 4.1 to 5.1 mile point-to-point; shut­tle required

Best Used: Acces­si­ble year-round

Dogs: Allowed on leash

Oth­er Infor­ma­tion: Wheel­chair accessible

Yellowstone Kelly Heritage Trail


From Hwy 99, take the Sky­way Exit east towards Par­adise. Turn right onto Pear­son Rd., then left onto Black Olive Dr. There is plen­ti­ful on-street parking.