Sierra Oro Farm Trail

Sierra Oro Farm Trail

Pet a Goat. Pick a Pump­kin. Expe­ri­ence the Bounty.

Expe­ri­ence Butte County’s agri­cul­ture by vis­it­ing dur­ing har­vest sea­son dur­ing the month-long Sier­ra Oro Farm Trail in Octo­ber. Spe­cial tours and tast­ings are avail­able with a pur­chase of the Farm & Wine Pass (avail­able below).

Dur­ing this annu­al event, the farm­ing com­mu­ni­ty opens its doors (and arms) to res­i­dents and vis­i­tors, so you can glimpse prick­ly chest­nut hulls, sip local wines, feed goats, pick pump­kins, tour farms, and learn more about your food from the farmers.
