• 801 Bidwell Canyon Road, Oroville, 95966
(530) 589-9175
Visit Website

Enjoy North­ern Cal­i­for­ni­a’s largest state reser­voir when you vis­it Bid­well Canyon Mari­na, your full ser­vice gate­way to all of the fun and beau­ty of Lake Oroville. The reser­voir, which boasts a capac­i­ty of over 3.4 mil­lion acre-feet, is the cor­ner­stone of the Lake Oroville State Recre­ation Area and is con­ve­nient­ly locat­ed on the Feath­er Riv­er, about 75 miles north of Sacra­men­to, in the chap­ar­ral oak-pine belt of north­ern Moth­er Lode Country.

Bid­well Mari­na Facilities

  • Small Boat Rentals : Avail­able for dai­ly and mul­ti-day rentals.
  • Boat Stor­age and Slip Rental : Buoys, slips, and spe­cial anchor­age are available.
  • The Anchor Man­age­ment Bar & Grill : Open every day except Tues­day and Wednesday.
  • The Mari­na Store: Stop in for bait, appar­el, camp­ing gear, and a wide vari­ety of food to keep your crew full and happy.
  • Fuel Dock: Wet fuel ser­vice, propane ser­vice, and boat main­te­nance sup­plies are also available.
  • Camp­ing Rentals : Man­aged by the State Park Service.