Oroville Outdoor Adventurer

Clay Pit State Vehicular Recreation Area

  • 4900 Larkin Rd, Oroville, CA 95966
(530) 538-2212
Visit Website

Two miles west of Oroville, Clay Pit Recre­ation Area is a play­ground for dirt bik­ers, ATV own­ers, and 4×4 enthu­si­asts. This large pit sur­round­ed by hills was orig­i­nal­ly a clay mine that pro­vid­ed mate­r­i­al for the con­struc­tion of the Oroville Dam. Today, it is filled with roads, tracks and off-road fea­tures for all types of off-road­ers. The area has shade struc­tures, pic­nic tables, and a restroom.

The area is 220 acres with 3 miles of trail, a max ele­va­tion of 150 feet, and is per­fect for novice riders

Facil­i­ty Access

The Clay Pit SVRA is open for most of the year with sea­son­al clo­sures in the summer.

  • Open: Sep­tem­ber 1 — June 30
  • Closed: July 1 — August 31

Avail­able Facilities

Facil­i­ties avail­able at the park include shade ramadas, pic­nic tables, and a vault toilet.
