Chico Getaway Artist Museums

Centerville-Colman Museum

  • 13548 Centerville Rd, Chico, CA 95928
(530) 487-1607‬
Visit Website

Locat­ed in Butte Creek Canyon, the Cen­ter­ville-Col­man Muse­um is a tes­ta­ment to the his­to­ry of the Canyon.

Col­man Museum

Stroll through the Col­man Muse­um to learn about the his­to­ry of the region and its inhab­i­tants, from the Maidu natives to those who came dur­ing the Gold Rush to the sim­ple every­day sto­ries of every­day Canyonites. Explore arti­facts, dis­plays, and exhibits. 

Cen­ter­ville Schoolhouse

The neigh­bor­ing one-room school­house has been stand­ing since 1894 and was used to teach chil­dren up to 1966. Today, it hous­es more arti­facts about the region and is used as a com­mu­ni­ty center. 

20220111 Centerville 011 WEB