Oroville Getaway Artist Wineries

Grey Fox Vineyards

  • 90 Grey Fox Ln, Oroville, CA 95966
(530) 589-3920
Visit Website

Grey Fox Vine­yards in Oroville is a fam­i­ly-owned win­ery and vine­yard that fea­tures a vari­ety of wines, all care­ful­ly craft­ed in an under­ground, cli­mate-con­trolled win­ery. Enjoy great views over­look­ing Oroville while you taste in their beau­ti­ful tast­ing room or on their expan­sive balcony.

About the Wines

Grey Fox offers four main estate-grown vari­etals: San­giovese, Syrah, Bar­bera, and Zin­fan­del — suit­able to the region’s warm climate.

Small­er plant­i­ngs of Grenache, Mou­ve­dre, Dol­cet­to, Mus­cat and Viog­nier fin­ish out the vine­yard and allow for some cre­ative blending.

The Chardon­nay, Mer­lot, and Caber­net grapes come from the Men­do­ci­no area, which has the cool­er con­di­tions nec­es­sary to give Grey Fox the pre­mi­um grapes need­ed to cre­ate these out­stand­ing wines.

Grey Fox also offers a Port-style Syrah, which is high­er in alco­hol than oth­er wines, so it stays fresh much longer, as well as a Mosca­to Dolce. Taste for your­self at one of their wine tast­ing events.

A Brief History

Before found­ing Grey Fox Vine­yards in 1996, the Arrigo­ni and Cec­chi fam­i­lies spent much of their free time pur­su­ing their pas­sion for fly­ing small planes. It was on these get­aways that con­ver­sa­tions turned to dreams of plant­i­ng a vine­yard and build­ing a win­ery. Bruce’s fam­i­ly had a tra­di­tion of mak­ing wine at home and Gary had a good chem­istry back­ground. A seed was plant­ed and it began to take hold.

They all sought out viti­cul­ture cours­es at U.C. Davis and com­mit­ted them­selves to a new pas­sion — wine grow­ing. While Bruce, Gary and Jeanne are involved in the vine­yard and win­ery oper­a­tions, Pat is busy han­dling sales and wine tast­ing events. Their goal is to cre­ate high qual­i­ty wine by con­stant­ly over­see­ing and improv­ing their vine­yard to pro­duce great fruit.

Come vis­it Grey Fox and share in the ful­fill­ment and pride of this incred­i­ble endeav­or. Taste the pre­mi­um wines and you’ll under­stand why wine-mak­ing has become their ulti­mate passion.
