Durham Agritourism & Locally Grown

Hodges Nursery & Gifts

  • 9681 Midway, Durham, CA 95938
(530) 894-6598
Visit Website

Hodge’s Nurs­ery & Gifts is a fam­i­ly owned nurs­ery spe­cial­iz­ing in shade trees, fruit and cit­rus trees, land­scape shrubs, and flow­er­ing peren­ni­als, most of which are grown on the 5‑acre prop­er­ty. Not only can you find the plants you’re look­ing for, you can join one of their gar­den­ing clin­ics, includ­ing rose, bon­sai, table and wine grape clinics.

If you are an aspir­ing vint­ner or grow­er, stop by to learn how to grow your own grapes and pick up some good tips from Ken Hodges, a local horticulturist.