Chico Family Adventure Asian Casual

Hula's Chinese Bar-B-Q

  • 1937 E 20th St, Chico, CA 95928
(530) 715-7614
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A Chico icon since 1990, Hula’s Chi­nese Bar-B‑Q is a Mon­go­lian-style bar­beque estab­lish­ment, fea­tur­ing a cre­ate-your-own menu. Choose your own pro­teins, sauces, and fix­ings to cre­ate your per­fect meal, from a meat-lover’s delight to a veg­e­tar­i­an’s dream, to every­thing in-between.

Chil­dren love Hula’s because they have the free­dom to put exact­ly what they want in their bowls. Peo­ple on the go love Hula’s because they can cre­ate a fast, healthy meal to take home or to take on an out­ing. Peo­ple of all ages love to eat at Hula’s because they know they will get friend­ly ser­vice along with a great stir-fry.