Chico Beer Lover Breweries

Lassen Traditional Cider

  • 643 Entler Ave Suite 52, Chico, CA 95928
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Lassen Tra­di­tion­al Cider is a cidery that makes high-qual­i­ty, tra­di­tion­al-style hard apple ciders.

Lassen oper­ates sea­son­al­ly, work­ing when the apples are at their peak of ripeness. After press­ing, the cider is allowed to fer­ment for a cou­ple months in neu­tral red wine bar­rels and is then aged in bot­tles for sev­er­al more months before being released. 

Their ciders are fer­ment­ed dry, with less resid­ual sug­ar than most beer and absolute­ly no added sug­ar, pro­duc­ing a more mild, sub­tly sweet final prod­uct. It’s all 100% apples unpas­teur­ized and unfiltered.

Lassen Ciders

  • Farm­house Dry Cider: Lassen’s flag­ship bar­rel-aged, wild fer­ment­ed cider fea­tur­ing a mix of Amer­i­can heir­loom and bit­ter­sweet cider varieties
  • New­town Pip­pin: A sin­gle vari­etal cider made from 100% New­town Pip­pin apples, one of the most clas­sic of Amer­i­can heirlooms
  • Win­ter Creek Cider: Made from a blend of heir­loom and cider vari­eties grown by Win­ter Creek Orchard in Neva­da City. Pressed in sea­son, native fer­men­ta­tion in neu­tral French oak red wine bar­rels, bot­tle conditioned
  • Par­adise Strong Cider: Wine­sap sin­gle vari­etal made from apples grown local­ly in Paradise
  • Elder­ber­ry Cyser: A mix of mead and cider, this is a blend of apples fer­ment­ed with hon­ey and elderberries
  • Pear Cider: made with half Bartlett pears and half Gold­en Deli­cious apples
  • Wine­sap: A sin­gle vari­etal dry cider made from the heir­loom Wine­sap apple
Lassen Traditional Cider