• 3317 Dry Creek Rd, Butte Valley, CA 95965
(530) 570-1144
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Milk & Hon­ey 1860 is a small fam­i­ly farm spe­cial­iz­ing in arti­sanal goat milk skin care prod­ucts and hand-spun wool from her­itage Eng­lish Long­wool sheep. Every­thing that is sold has been grown, milked, shorn, made, and pack­aged right on site by the Lar­son family.

Milk & Hon­ey 1860 Products

Milk & Hon­ey 1860 sells a vari­ety of goat­milk skin­care and sham­poo as well as wool and wool acces­sories and oth­er farm goods, including:

  • Goat milk lotion, soap, and sham­poo bars 
  • Boxed soap sets
  • Oth­er gift crates 
  • Lotions and soaps made for babies and kids
  • Woolen goods, yarn, and raw fleece
  • Milk & Hon­ey 1860 sweat­shirts, totes, and hats
  • Hatch­ing eggs

Milk & Hon­ey 1860 is a mem­ber of the Live­stock Con­ser­van­cy and Cer­ti­fied Fiber­shed pro­duc­ers. The wool prod­ucts are made from rare and her­itage Eng­lish Long­wool Sheep, which have lus­trous and high­ly desir­able fleece. 

About Milk & Hon­ey 1860

Run by the Lar­son Fam­i­ly, Milk & Hon­ey 1860 was born out of the fam­i­ly’s desire to move from the city to their own piece of the coun­ty. After find­ing the civ­il-war era farm­house in Butte Val­ley, the Lar­sons bought a few goats to man­age the weeds on the prop­er­ty, and they used the milk from the goats to make soap for them­selves and friends. Out of these small batch­es grew a busi­ness and more prod­ucts, all still made at home by Eliz­a­beth, David, and their five chil­dren. If you stop by to pur­chase from their Farm Shop, you’re sure to meet Eliz­a­beth and maybe even get to pet one of the goats!
