• 1220 Fortress St, Chico, CA 95973
(530) 899-2661
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The Mooney Farms Com­pa­ny Store car­ries a full line of sun dried toma­to prod­ucts, as well as local favorites and unique gourmet food finds. In addi­tion to their line of sun dried toma­toes, favorite items include award-win­ning Extra Vir­gin Olive Oil from the fam­i­ly estate, risot­tos, bruschet­ta, pesto, and even a plant-based toma­to jerky.

Mooney Farms uses only 100% pure olive oil and 100% Cal­i­for­nia sun dried toma­toes to cre­ate a line of Mediter­ranean pantry sta­ples. In their Tus­can kitchen, the orig­i­nal fam­i­ly mem­bers still cre­ate all of their authen­tic recipes keep­ing an eye on consumer’s trends.

Vis­it their local retail gourmet gift store in Chico to dis­cov­er the best of Mooney Farms and oth­er local pro­duc­ers! Watch for spe­cial tast­ing events as well as ware­house sales. 

About Mooney Farms

Built on a foun­da­tion of fam­i­ly val­ues, qual­i­ty, and integri­ty, three gen­er­a­tions work at Mooney Farms. They have a his­to­ry of using pre­mi­um ingre­di­ents to cre­ate a line of healthy Mediter­ranean inspired prod­ucts for today’s con­sumer. Mooney Farms believes that sim­ple, fresh ingre­di­ents are all that you need for an extra­or­di­nary meal.

Mooney Farms began in 1987 as a fam­i­ly owned kiwi farm­ing oper­a­tion. Prod­ucts were sold at the farmer’s mar­kets in North­ern Cal­i­for­nia by the fam­i­ly mem­bers. With the addi­tion of sun dried toma­toes, their first sale to Price Club South San Fran­cis­co changed every­thing. The family’s Bel­la Sun Luci Sun Dried Toma­toes in Olive Oil & Herbs sold out in a record 4 hours! Sun dried toma­toes had become main­stream and the Mooney Fam­i­ly had the win­ning recipe.

In 1994, Mooney Farms moved to a larg­er facil­i­ty locat­ed in Chico, Cal­i­for­nia to meet the grow­ing demand for their prod­ucts. The 100,000 square foot facil­i­ty reflects their family’s rich his­to­ry of the Mediter­ranean with 200 year old olive trees plant­ed among the rows of laven­der and rosemary.

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