Chico Casual Bars

Nash’s Restaurant

  • 1717 Esplanade, Chico, CA 95926
(530) 896-1147
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Nash’s Restau­rant is a casu­al din­er serv­ing break­fast, lunch, and din­ner, as well as cock­tails and cham­pagne brunch on the weekends.

Nash’s prides itself on always fresh, always friend­ly” food and ser­vice, will all entrees made with fresh ingre­di­ents from scratch. All of their sauces, dress­ings and soups are home­made. They pro­vide a friend­ly atmos­phere and an eager-to-please waitstaff. 

Come to Nash’s and have a Chico expe­ri­ence you won’t soon forget.