Chico Outdoor Adventurer Specialty Stores

North Rim Adventure Sports

  • 178 E 2nd St, Chico, CA 95928
(530) 345-2453
Visit Website

North Rim Adven­ture Sports is Chico’s most com­plete and pro­gres­sive bike shop. With over 8,000 square feet, the shop has the most exten­sive selec­tion of bicy­cles, com­po­nents and acces­sories found any­where. Expe­ri­ence the dif­fer­ence! Sales, ser­vice and on going sup­port will keep your cycling a reward­ing expe­ri­ence. Let North Rim’s knowl­edge­able staff help you with all your cycling needs.

Bike Rentals

North Rim Adven­ture Sports offers a vari­ety of bikes to rent for half‑, full‑, and two-day rentals, per­fect for explor­ing Down­town Chico and beyond (check for cur­rent bike rental avail­abil­i­ty )


North Rim Adven­ture Sports sells a vari­ety of prod­ucts for all your adven­tur­ing needs, including:

  • Bikes, for all ter­rain types and needs
  • Parts
  • Tires/​Tubes
  • Hel­mets, car racks, and accessories
  • Cloth­ing and shoes


At North Rim Adven­ture Sports, you’ll find a ser­vice cen­ter full of tal­ent­ed tech­ni­cians ful­ly trained in all tune-up pro­ce­dures and cer­ti­fied on Shi­mano and Sram com­po­nents. Stop by for a vari­ety of ser­vices, including:

  • Repairs, tune-ups, and brakes
  • Sev­er­al options for fit ser­vices to get you on the per­fect bike for your
North Rim Adventure Sports