Unincorporated Getaway Artist Casual Coffee & Cafes

Rock House Dining & Espresso

  • 11865 CA-70, Yankee Hill, CA 95965
(530) 532-1889
Visit Website

Rebuilt after the Camp Fire and still fea­tur­ing the orig­i­nal rock walls, Rock House Din­ing & Espres­so offers fresh, home­made hot sand­wich­es, sal­ads, piz­zas, and baked goods as well as beer, wine, espres­so and cof­fee drinks, and smooth­ies. Enjoy your meal on their expand­ed and ren­o­vat­ed out­door patio.

If you find your­self at the Rock House on the week­ends, you’ll enjoy Sat­ur­day live music at 5pm and the occa­sion­al Sun­day music event (weath­er depen­dent; call to verify)

A Lit­tle History

The Rock House, fea­tur­ing 18″-thick walls, was orig­i­nal­ly built in 1937 using horse and wag­on to local­ly source the rock it was built with. The 2018 Camp Fire destroyed the roof along with most of the orig­i­nal Rock House struc­ture, leav­ing behind the exte­ri­or rock walls for a tru­ly unique din­ing experience.

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