Chico Family Adventure Bakeries & Sweets

Shubert’s Ice Cream & Candy

  • 178 E 7th St, Chico, CA 95928
(530) 342-7163
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Shubert’s Ice Cream & Can­dy is a Down­town Chico sta­ple, serv­ing home­made ice cream and can­dy, made with local ingre­di­ents, from its orig­i­nal loca­tion since 1938.

A Brief His­to­ry of Shubert’s

Shu­bert’s began in 1938 when Mr. Shu­bert left Mon­tana to find a loca­tion in Cal­i­for­nia for an ice cream shop. As he drove down the tree-lined Esplanade, Shu­bert was impressed with Chico and decid­ed this was where his busi­ness could thrive.

Not only is Shu­bert’s in the same build­ing in Down­town Chico, but it also uses one of the orig­i­nal ice cream mak­ing machines, still in the same fam­i­ly, with the fourth gen­er­a­tion of Pul­liam’s cur­rent­ly mak­ing ice cream, rolling out can­dies and dip­ping choco­lates right on the premis­es.

This unbro­ken con­nec­tion to Chico’s his­to­ry and to tra­di­tion­al entre­pre­neur­ship is reflect­ed in the fam­i­ly’s ded­i­ca­tion to main­tain­ing the high­est stan­dard of qual­i­ty in their products.
