Stirling City Getaway Artist Museums

Stirling City Historical Society

  • 16999 Skyway, Stirling City, CA 95978
(530) 873-1598
Visit Website

Since 2003, the Stir­ling City His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety muse­um has been ded­i­cat­ed to show­cas­ing the town’s log­ging his­to­ry with the Dia­mond Match Com­pa­ny. Enjoy rail­road mem­o­ra­bil­ia, log­ging tools, and pho­tos of the once might log­ging oper­a­tions in the area. The muse­um also cov­ers the social events of the era with col­lectibles from fam­i­lies liv­ing in Stir­ling City.

The muse­um works to pre­serve the past to show future gen­er­a­tions how peo­ple lived and worked in Stir­ling City. 

More About Stir­ling City

In 1903, both Stir­ling City and the sawmill were found­ed to feed the Dia­mond Match Com­pa­ny’s fac­to­ry in Chico as well as a large chain of lum­ber stores in greater California. 

More About the Museum

The Stir­ling City His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety muse­um is housed in the his­toric 1930s US For­est Ser­vice fire station. 

The muse­um con­sists of three buildings:

  • The main muse­um, housed in a two-sto­ry residence;
  • a gift shop in the for­mer USFS office;
  • and a garage for the rusty stuff”

Open week­ends Memo­r­i­al Day through August by appointment.

Fol­low them on Face­book for more infor­ma­tion about the muse­um and events

Stirling City Historical Society