Chico Bars

Tackle Box Bar & Grill

  • 379 E Park Ave, Chico, CA 95928
(530) 345-7499
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The Tack­le Box Bar & Grill is a hon­key-tonk bar, grill, live music venue, and tack­le shop all under one roof. Serv­ing up Amer­i­can grill stan­dards, such as ribs, burg­ers, and tri-tip, the Tack­le Box is known for serv­ing it’s most pop­u­lar dish, alli­ga­tor. Sell­ing about as fast as it comes in, the Tack­le Box is one of the few places in Cal­i­for­nia you can find alli­ga­tor year around along with oth­er exot­ic dish­es such as frog legs, elk, buf­fa­lo, wild boar and venison.

A Brief History

The Tack­le Box start­ed as a sport­ing goods store that opened in 1997 and incor­po­rat­ed all of it’s cus­tomers hunt­ing and fish­ing needs under one roof. The Peeples fam­i­ly has owned the shop and build­ing for eigh­teen years before they decid­ed to turn the oth­er half (that was pre­vi­ous­ly a fur­ni­ture store) into a bar and grill.

The bar and grill was an instant suc­cess when it opened. Often referred to as Chico’s only real honky-tonk,” The Tack­le Box proud­ly sup­ports live music by host­ing local and out of town bands every Fri­day, and Sat­ur­day night!
