• 118 Main St, Chico, CA 95928
(530) 345-7441
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Locat­ed in the heart of Down­town Chico, The Book­store sells a wide selec­tion of new and used books, cov­er­ing a range of pop­u­lar and niche top­ics, includ­ing chil­dren’s books, cook­books, his­to­ry, gar­den­ing, reli­gion, art, and clas­sic lit­er­a­ture as well as rare, anti­quar­i­an, and signed books.

New books are added dai­ly to pro­vide a wide range of sub­jects. See what trea­sures you can find when you drop in.

About The Bookstore

Estab­lished in 1976 by Ronald Bar­rett, The Book­store has twice been fea­tured in Sun­set Mag­a­zine and named one of The Top Four Best Used Book­stores in North­ern California”.

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