Paradise Gift Shops

Thistle & Stitch

  • 14154 Skyway Ste. 7, Magalia, CA 95954
(530) 524-5008
Visit Website

This­tle & Stitch is a gift shop that has grown out a love for the out­doors, adven­tures, and all things plaid. It is inspired by the his­to­ry of Scot­tish tar­tans as well as flan­nel-lov­ing out­door enthu­si­asts. Spe­cial­iz­ing is hand­made items and cus­tom embroi­dery, you’ll enjoy a vari­ety of gifts, includ­ing scarves, mugs, socks, totes, and more.

Shop online or browse at their Mag­a­lia location.

Fol­low on Face­book or Insta­gram .