Chico Event Venues

Chico Women's Club

  • 592 East 3rd Street, Chico, CA, USA
(530) 894-1978
Visit Website

The Chico Wom­en’s Club, locat­ed steps away from Low­er Bid­well Park, is a com­mu­ni­ty event space that is avail­able to rent for wed­dings, con­fer­ences, and oth­er events.


  • Inte­ri­or seat­ing has a max­i­mum capac­i­ty of 220 people.
  • Audi­to­ri­um capac­i­ty is 180 people.
  • Din­ing capac­i­ty is 100 people.

Ameni­ties & Includ­ed Services

  • Tables and chairs are includ­ed with the rental fee of the build­ing, as well as garbage/​recycle cans and bath­room sup­plies such as soap, paper tow­els, and toi­let paper. 

Vis­it the web­site for a com­plete list­ing of ameni­ties and equip­ment available.
