Oroville Event Venues

Honker Bay Ranch Weddings

  • 1446 Farrar Lane, Oroville, CA, USA
(530) 534-8380
Visit Website

Locat­ed at the edge of Lake Oroville’s Afterbay , Honker Bay Ranch is a beau­ti­ful nat­ur­al refuge. Nature has done the job of dec­o­rat­ing with lush green lawns, acres of shade and gor­geous sway­ing trees. Honker Bay Ranch scenery is pic­turesque and very ver­sa­tile.

All wed­ding events are a 3‑Day Rentals. The Honker Bay con­tract allows each client to have access to the venue start­ing Fri­day for the rehearsal din­ner, Sat­ur­day event, and end­ing Sun­day for gift and dec­o­ra­tion pick-up.


  • Capac­i­ty for 300+ guests
  • 3‑acre lake sur­round­ing the cer­e­mo­ny and recep­tion sites
  • Spa­cious parking
  • Chairs and table provided
  • Bridal cot­tage
  • Uni­formed staff
  • Onsite ordained officiate
  • Com­pli­men­ta­ry cleanup