Chico Event Venues

On Broadway Chico

  • 1384 Broadway St, Chico, CA 95928
(530) 588-0828
Visit Website

On Broad­way Chico is a Chico venue offer­ing the per­fect spot for your next micro wedding.

Their Micro Wed­ding Pack­age is a One Stop Shop” that cov­ers all the bases need­ed to host, lodge, and coor­di­nate an inti­mate wed­ding. Enjoy lodg­ing at a his­toric estate, while tying the knot in a pri­vate pic­turesque landscape.

The entire prop­er­ty includ­ing the main home, cot­tages, and court­yards that can be yours to enjoy for a short stay of two days, up to five days or more. On Broad­way’s pri­vate wed­ding coor­di­na­tor will cre­ate a per­son­al­ized wed­ding expe­ri­ence with all the nec­es­sary details so you can enjoy every moment. The coor­di­na­tor will help nav­i­gate and book ven­dors from a pre­ferred ven­dor list to suite your wed­ding experience.

The entire estate can lodge four­teen peo­ple between the main house and cot­tages. The main home has gath­er­ing spaces down­stairs includ­ing The Ball­room, The Con­ser­va­to­ry, The Media room, and a state of the art Kitchen. Three En Suites plus the Par­lor are locat­ed upstairs, which offer indi­vid­ual pri­va­cy dur­ing the week­end. The cot­tages are inde­pen­dent units that have their own bed­rooms, baths, kitchens, plus oth­er nec­es­sary ameni­ties to make your stay as com­fort­able as possible.

Vehi­cle Rentals

Upgrade your wed­ding or event with a clas­sic car rental! Choose among six dif­fer­ent cars for one of three pack­age options:

  • Chauf­fer to Event: Enjoy the ride as a dri­ver chauf­feurs you and your par­ty to your event location.
  • Chauf­feur From Event & Get Away Cars”: Enjoy the ride as a dri­ver chauf­feurs you and your par­ty away from your event location.
  • Leave Vehi­cle at Event: This option can be used for pho­tog­ra­phy oppor­tu­ni­ties, or non-dri­ving rental purposes.