Unincorporated Camping & RV Parks

Philbrook Lake Campground

  • Philbrook Lake Campground, Magalia, CA, USA
(916) 386-5164
Visit Website

Spend the night under the cedar trees at Philbrook Camp­ground and enjoy the beau­ti­ful views of Philbrook Lake. Locat­ed in the Lassen Nation­al Forest , the Pacif­ic Gas and Elec­tric Co. camp­ground pro­vides fish­ing access and a car-top boat launch. There are dou­ble vault toi­lets and bear box food lock­ers. The Lassen Nation­al For­est is a pre­mier loca­tion for hik­ing, kayak­ing and snowmobiling.

Gen­er­al Information

Except for group camp­grounds, all camp­grounds have sites des­ig­nat­ed for first come first serve use.

Reser­va­tions require a 2 night min­i­mum. Find reser­va­tion infor­ma­tion here .

Where pos­si­ble, the typ­i­cal reser­va­tion sea­son starts the Mon­day before Memo­r­i­al Day week­end and clos­es a week after Labor Day weekend. 

Camp­grounds may open soon­er and close lat­er for first-come, first-serve. At these camp­grounds, since weath­er and snow melt are so unpre­dictable, the reser­va­tion sea­son is short­er than the camp­ing sea­son. For exam­ple, at a par­tic­u­lar camp­ground, PG&E may plan to open the gates to first-come, first-served campers on May 1, but they may not begin the reser­va­tion sea­son at that camp­ground until May 20. PG&E is try­ing to min­i­mize the chances that they’ll have to can­cel a reser­va­tion due to weath­er con­di­tions or snow melt. 

Avail­able Campgrounds

  • Reser­va­tion Camp­grounds: Sites 1, 2, 4, and 11 – 20
  • First-Come, First-Serve: Sites 3 and 5 – 10

All camp­grounds allow for a max­i­mum of six (6) people.


From Chico, take CA-32E for approx­i­mate­ly 28 miles. Turn right onto Hum­boldt Road then right onto Butte Creek Flat Road. Turn left onto Hum­bug Sum­mit Road. Turn right onto Philbrook Road. Camp­ground will be on the right.
