Chico Event Venues

Stansbury Home

  • 5505 West 5th Street, Chico, CA, USA
(530) 342-3037
Visit Website

The Stans­bury Home in Chico is an Ital­ianate-Vic­to­ri­an home built in 1883 fea­tur­ing 10 rooms, includ­ing a for­mal par­lor with a bay win­dow and the fam­i­ly piano, a sit­ting room, and a for­mal din­ing room. The Stans­bury Home grounds have a love­ly rose gar­den and a small iron gaze­bo. The prop­er­ty also has a Car­riage House with a mod­ern, effi­cient kitchen avail­able to use for a self-con­tained caterer.


  • Inte­ri­or occu­pan­cy is lim­it­ed to 50 people
  • Out­side grounds can accom­mo­date 200 people