Biggs Event Venues

The Colonia Building

  • 479 B Street, Biggs, CA, USA
(530) 868-4919
Visit Website

Locat­ed in heart of his­toric Big­gs, The Colo­nia Build­ing is a ren­o­vat­ed 1905 Colo­nia Amer­i­can style hotel per­fect for your next wed­ding or pri­vate event.

His­to­ry seeps through the scarred wood floors of the orig­i­nal hotel check-in room as rich dark tones, and crys­tal chan­de­liers whis­per of past ele­gance while set­ting the mood for times to come. Clas­sic vel­vet fur­ni­ture and walls cov­ered in mem­o­ries set the tone, encour­ag­ing moments of conversation. 

Avail­able Spaces

West Hall┃Capacity: 250 stand­ing, 180 chairs only, 80 tables & chairs


  • Wed­ding Pack­age: starts at $2000. Includes tables & chairs for up to 80 peo­ple, use of West Hall, Bridal Lounge, Check in Room, and The Court­yard (weath­er per­mit­ting). Wed­ding pack­ages include 6 hours of event time plus 2 hours pri­or to the event to decorate.
  • Pri­vate Par­ties: starts at $500. Includes use of farm tables and white chairs. Small event rentals are for 4 hours plus 1 hour before the event to decorate.


Built in 1905 in the small bustling city of Big­gs, Cal­i­for­nia this full scale mod­ern hotel of its time stood as a cor­ner­stone of the local com­mu­ni­ty. Host­ing over 35 rooms with hot & cold water, elec­tric­i­ty and call bells for it’s patrons, it was the place to stay for both short and long term visits.

Over the years the build­ing host­ed many events from suf­frag­ists and state offi­cials in the 1900’s, to famous croon­ers and actors hunt­ing duck in our area through the 1950’s and 1960’s. The 70’s and 80’s brought back live music and enter­tain­ment to the bar. By the 90’s the doors closed and weren’t opened again until 2016 when the Shad­d’s pur­chased it, with it’s board­ed up win­dows and crum­bling plas­ter. 5 years lat­er, after a lot of love and sweat equi­ty The Colo­nia Build­ing is open again for pri­vate events. 

Colonia building wedding event space biggs butte county ca