Chico Event Venues

The Westport

  • 603 Broadway Street Chico CA 95928
(530) 205-3824
Visit Website

Close to most of the major attrac­tions, The West­port is a spa­cious 11,000-square-foot venue in the heart of Down­town Chico.

Before it became an event cen­ter, the build­ing lov­ing­ly housed Nan­tuck­et Design & Home and pri­or to that, it was the Chico Garage, then Chico’s first Cadil­lac dealership.

It has been recent­ly ren­o­vat­ed, with inno­v­a­tive enhance­ments to its nat­ur­al design, which include wal­nut-shell blast­ed wood beams and cement floors, cre­at­ing an atmos­phere that takes acoustics to the next level.

Avail­able Spaces

Space 1 | 6,000 square feet | 400 peo­ple audi­to­ri­um style; 250 at rounds

Space 2 | 2,010 square feet | 200 peo­ple audi­to­ri­um style; 100 at rounds

Space 3 | 800 square feet | 60 peo­ple audi­to­ri­um style; 40 at rounds

The Westport