Chico Event Venues

White Ranch Events

  • 214 Hagenridge Road, Chico, CA, USA
(530) 342-6530
Visit Website

Sur­round­ed by acres of gor­geous scenery, the White Ranch offers the beau­ty and pri­va­cy need­ed to make the most of your spe­cial day. Let the wind­ing paths guide you through a nat­ur­al set­ting lined with sprays of flow­ers, lush, green veg­e­ta­tion and peace­ful foun­tains. On your way down to the gaze­bo over the lake, enjoy the feel of the warm Cal­i­for­nia sun­shine as you pass through the flo­ral arch­way, cot­tage gar­den and grape arbor. Take a breath of the fresh, clean air as you gaze into the spec­tac­u­lar open fields of the White Ranch.

With a pic­turesque out­door set­ting, con­ve­nient event facil­i­ties, and warm hosts ded­i­cat­ed to the com­plete com­fort and sat­is­fac­tion of you and your guests, you need not look fur­ther for your ide­al wed­ding spot. No mat­ter what the occa­sion, the White Ranch is a tru­ly per­son­al, one-of-a-kind loca­tion per­fect for your spe­cial day.


Max­i­mum of 250 people


  • The Ranch is out­fit­ted with two new bath­rooms, a men’s and a women’s, and the entire Ranch is wheel-chair accessible. 
  • From the park­ing lot, a wind­ing, 400 foot walk­way guides guests to the wed­ding sites, past the lake, through the flower gar­den, and by the play­ground. The path ulti­mate­ly leads to a gor­geous recep­tion area and dance floor.
  • An old fash­ioned mer­ry-go-round that eas­i­ly seats 40 peo­ple, a two sto­ry tree fort with a slide, a sand box and swing set.