Paradise Getaway Artist

The Skyway Through Paradise Ridge: The Ultimate Guide

Run­ning from Chico to Butte Mead­ows, The Sky­way is the main road run­ning through Par­adise and Magalia.

More than that, though, The Sky­way is the heart run­ning through these com­mu­ni­ties — where restau­rants, retail­ers, and events thrive as the com­mu­ni­ty con­tin­ues to rebuild after the 2018 Camp Fire.

More and more busi­ness­es are call­ing this main strip home, so these are just a few of our rec­om­men­da­tions on your jour­ney along the Skyway. 


Authen­tic Thai Cui­sine of Paradise

A Ridge sta­ple since 2005, Authen­tic Thai Cui­sine of Par­adise serves up some of the best Thai food in Butte Coun­ty. Gen­er­ous por­tions and authen­tic fla­vors cou­pled with an ide­al loca­tion in the cen­ter of town make this a pop­u­lar spot for a tasty meal after a day of Ridge adventures.

Hill­top Café 

Look­ing for a hearti­er meal while explor­ing fur­ther up the Ridge? Hill­top Café in Mag­a­lia is a great option. Fea­tur­ing all-day break­fast favorites, clas­sic din­er lunch options, and stick-to-your-ribs din­ner plates, every­one will leave Hill­top Café away sat­is­fied and full.

Lynn’s Cof­fee & Crepes 

On the north end of Par­adise, Lynn’s Cof­fee & Crepes makes for a great stop before head­ing to Par­adise Lake. Try­ing one of their sweet or savory crepes is a must, of course, but you can also get your pick of a vari­ety of cof­fee and espres­so-based drinks to get the ener­gy for a day explor­ing outdoors.


The clos­est you’ll get to a place where every­one knows your name, Nic’s is the go-to spot to enjoy a meal and catch up with friends. Its sim­ple menu of sal­ads, sand­wich­es, char­cu­terie, wine, and beer is deli­cious at any time, but espe­cial­ly great when enjoyed on the patio while watch­ing a local parade pass by on the Skyway.

The Skyway Through Paradise Ridge: The Ultimate Guide

Saku­ra Sushi

Most peo­ple don’t expect to find great sushi in the moun­tains, but you’ll find it at Saku­ra Sushi in Mag­a­lia. Find your favorite rolls, ben­to box­es, and oth­er Japan­ese-inspired dish­es, along with a selec­tion of Chi­nese plates for those who pre­fer a dif­fer­ent type of Asian cuisine.


Attic Trea­sures

At 10,000 square feet across two floors you could spend hours explor­ing the col­lec­tion at Attic Trea­sures. On the top floor, you’ll find fur­ni­ture, kitschy décor, glass­ware, and more, while the bot­tom floor show­cas­es a mas­sive dis­play of tools, Christ­mas décor, and jew­el­ry, just to name a few of the items available.

The Skyway Through Paradise Ridge: The Ultimate Guide

Buffy’s Gift Barn of Paradise

Take home a piece of Par­adise with you with a stop at Buffy’s Gift Barn of Par­adise. Fea­tur­ing favorite Par­adise Ridge mak­ers — such as Par­adise Trib­ute Series and Pop­py Pine Soap Co. — along with an art gallery for local artists and local tasty treats, Buffy’s Gift Barn is the per­fect place for all things Par­adise. Make sure to say hi to Buffy herself!

The Skyway Through Paradise Ridge: The Ultimate Guide

Par­adise Bikes

Whether you need a tune up before hit­ting the trails or are inspired to upgrade, Par­adise Bikes has you cov­ered. The knowl­edge­able and pas­sion­ate own­er is always ready to help every­one get out and explor­ing on two wheels.

Trea­sures from Paradise

Ok, Trea­sures from Par­adise may tech­ni­cal­ly have a Bille Road address, but it’s a prime loca­tion at the inter­sec­tion of Sky­way and Bille makes it impos­si­ble to miss. Find antiques, unique local­ly made gifts, col­lectibles, and more — includ­ing their pop­u­lar hand-carved wood­en bears. With their rotat­ing inven­to­ry, there’s always some­thing new to find!

Events & Attractions

Ter­ry Ashe Park & Recre­ation Center

Arguably the heart of all activ­i­ty in Par­adise, the Ter­ry Ashe Park & Recre­ation Cen­ter is home to the Par­adise Recre­ation and Park District as well as the home­base to many of the events that hap­pen in town. Par­adise Choco­late Fest , John­ny Apple­seed Days , and Par­adise on Ice are just three of the many events that take place here, in addi­tion to a full slate of year-round school pro­grams and youth and adult activities.

Gold Nugget Days

Every April, the town of Par­adise cel­e­brates their Gold Rush past — and the dis­cov­ery of a 54-pound gold nugget in Mag­a­lia — dur­ing the Gold Nugget Days. Activ­i­ties, food trucks, and ven­dors fill the Ter­ry Ashe Cen­ter, while the beloved Gold Nugget Days Parade march­es down the Sky­way on the Sat­ur­day of the full week­end event.

Par­adise Truck Parade of Lights

A hol­i­day favorite, the Par­adise Truck Parade of Lights fea­tures trucks and oth­er vehi­cles cov­ered in their best and most fes­tive Christ­mas lights and décor. Also a canned food dri­ve, it is one of the kick-off events of the hol­i­day sea­son on the Ridge and lights up the Sky­way annu­al­ly in ear­ly December.

Butte Creek Water­shed Overlook

Final­ly, a vis­it to Par­adise Ridge isn’t com­plete until you’ve stopped to take in the view at the Butte Creek Water­shed Over­look, the last stop out of town down the Sky­way. Over­look­ing a mini-Grand Canyon,” the over­look show­cas­es epic vis­tas of the Butte Creek Water­shed. You’ll def­i­nite­ly want to snap a few pho­tos as one last mem­o­ry of your time on the Ridge.