Book One Night, Get the Second Night FREE*

Book One Night, Get the Second Night FREE*

Butte Coun­ty is open for vis­i­tors. Now is the per­fect time for a road trip because you have the #FREE­DOM to explore.

Book one night at a par­tic­i­pat­ing Butte Coun­ty lodg­ing prop­er­ty, and Explore Butte Coun­ty will pay for your sec­ond night!*

Lim­it­ed-time offer: Book and stay by August 152020.

Par­tic­i­pat­ing Properties


Hol­i­day Inn Express, Oroville

550 Oro Dam Blvd E, Oroville

Con­ve­nient­ly locat­ed off Hwy 70, with easy access to Down­town Oroville, Lake Oroville, and oth­er out­door recreation.

Call to book: (530) 5345566

Oxford Suites OPTIMIZED

Oxford Suites Chico

685 Man­zani­ta Ct, Chico

Con­ve­nient­ly locat­ed off of Hwy 99 and fea­tur­ing a full hot break­fast buf­fet and evening reception.

Call to book: (530) 8999090

Ramada Plaza Chico OPTIMIZED

Chico Hotel, Soon-to-be DoubleTree

685 Man­zani­ta Ct, Chico

Con­ve­nient­ly locat­ed by Hwy 99, fea­tur­ing an out­door pool and jacuzzi and full restau­rant and bar.

Call to book: (530) 3452491


Hol­i­day Inn Express, Chico

2074 E 20th St, Chico

Chico’s newest prop­er­ty fea­tur­ing com­pli­men­ta­ry break­fast buf­fet, indoor pool, and cen­tral location.

Call to book: (530) 8910100

Hotel Diamond exterior OPTIMIZED

Hotel Dia­mond

220 W 4th St, Chico

Locat­ed in Down­town Chico with walk­ing access to restau­rants, bars, and shops.

Call to book: 220 W 4th St, Chico

*How to Book

1. Select your lodg­ing prop­er­ty from the list above.

2. CALL the par­tic­i­pat­ing lodg­ing prop­er­ty and ask for the FREE­DOM pro­mo­tion rate. (You must call to book; online book­ings are not accepted)

3. Book by August 15, 2020 and stay two (2) con­sec­u­tive nights at the same prop­er­ty by August 152020.

4. Can­not be com­bined with any oth­er offer. Rooms sub­ject to availability.

We hope you enjoy your trip to Butte Coun­ty where there’s so much to explore. If you need more infor­ma­tion about your stay, email us at contact@​explorebuttecounty.​com.

Get Inspired For Your Visit

This year, COVID19 has changed the way we do things in many ways, but Moth­er Nature has con­tin­ued to do her thing, her way…and she con­tin­ues to bring alive the beau­ty in Butte Coun­ty. Stay in Chico or Oroville overnight and take a road trip with stops at unique shops in Par­adise, Big­gs, Ban­gor, Mag­a­ila, Durham, Butte Mead­ows or Ster­ling City.

Plan that week­end get­away to cel­e­brate the birth­day, anniver­sary or roman­tic week­end you’ve been dream­ing about. Choose a hotel that is close to a trail-head, swim­ming hole or park. Look­ing for inspi­ra­tion for a spe­cial pic­nic? Con­sid­er a local hot-spot from the list of 63 Best Out­door Spots in Butte Coun­ty. Or, if you are look­ing for fun on the water, splash around some of these Butte Coun­ty gems for swim­ming, pad­dle board­ing, kayak­ing, float­ing or sail­ing.

Unique adven­ture awaits you in Butte Coun­ty. Enjoy the jour­ney through the rolling hills and wide-open spaces. Relax — take a pic­nic bas­ket to a seclud­ed spot and cre­ate your own pri­vate retreat. Or rev it up — bring your bike and race to the bot­tom of the trail. Book your trip before August 15, 2020 using the #Free­dom pro­mo­tion­al code and Explore Butte Coun­ty will pick-up one night free of your two-night con­sec­u­tive hotel stay, so you can take your time and enjoy your vaca­tion your way.

Now that you’ve booked your stay, dis­cov­er what you can do with an extra day in Butte County!