Be Our Guest

Be Our Guest

Get Inspired For Your Visit to Butte County

You’re stay­ing a cou­ple of nights in Butte Coun­ty, so fill them with the best the area has to offer!


Fam­i­ly Water Adventure

Have a Fam­i­ly Water Adven­ture! Dis­cov­er smooth waters per­fect for kayak­ing and pad­dling, dis­cov­er the best urban swim­ming holes in the state, enjoy a lazy float down the riv­er, or explore the oth­er favorite water spots in the county.


A Get­away for Two

Enjoy a Get­away for Two. Leave the kids at home as you recon­nect with just each oth­er, rel­ish in a true date week­end, and redis­cov­er all the love between you.

Butte-Meadows_CREDIT_ dani_dawes
Dani Dawes

The Roads Best Traveled

Grab some snacks, turn on the tunes, and dis­cov­er the Roads Best Trav­eled. Tour one of the nation’s orig­i­nal Wild and Scenic stretch­es of the Feath­er Riv­er or explore Butte Coun­ty’s high coun­try for a cool­er sum­mer experience.

Thursday Night Market in Downtown Chico
Down­town Chico

His­toric Towns

For the his­to­ry buffs, dis­cov­er the Towns That Make Butte Coun­ty So Spe­cial. From the col­le­giate urban cen­ter in Chico to Oroville steeped in Gold Rush history to the hid­den gem among the pines that is Paradise , Butte Coun­ty’s cities and towns —and the peo­ple who live in them — are what define the region.