Oroville Museums

C.F. Lott Home

  • 1067 Montgomery St, Oroville, CA 95965
(530) 538-2497
Visit Website
The C.F. Lott Home is a Vic­to­ri­an revival style struc­ture that hous­es a muse­um ded­i­cat­ed to the lives of the Lott fam­i­ly, the love sto­ry of Cor­nelia Lott and Jesse Sank, and the gen­er­al lifestyle of well-to-do fam­i­lies liv­ing in the West dur­ing the late 18th and ear­ly 19th centuries.

The C.F. Lott Home

In 1856, Judge” Lott, a gold-rush pio­neer who helped form California’s gov­ern­ment and start­ed the first Cit­rus Exchange in Cal­i­for­nia, built the Lott home. Much of the orig­i­nal fur­nish­ings are on dis­play to help tell the sto­ry of how the well-to-do lived out west.” The col­lec­tion includes antique fur­nish­ings, paint­ings, rugs, tex­tiles, clothes, sil­ver, and glass­ware from the peri­od 1849 – 1910. A tour of the house reveals sto­ries of the Lott fam­i­ly and their impor­tance to ear­ly Cal­i­for­nia (the Judge was also a State Sen­a­tor) as well as some unusu­al fea­tures, includ­ing the sur­prise built into the fire­place and an art-deco bath­room. It also retells his daugh­ter, Cornelia’s, love sto­ry with Jesse Sank and their even­tu­al hap­pi­ness. Although now over 150 years old, only two gen­er­a­tions have lived in this house.

Read more about the C.F. Lott Home and oth­er Oroville muse­ums.

Sank Park

Sank Park encom­pass­es the entire city block that Judge Lott bought in 1855 for $200. The gar­den con­tains a pro­fu­sion of flow­ers, includ­ing an out­stand­ing hybrid rose area. The park also con­tains a love­ly gaze­bo as well as many col­or­ful trees, and a pic­nic area in an orange grove. Don’t miss the car­riage house with Jess and Cor­neli­a’s 1922 Buick. The park is a beau­ti­ful loca­tion for wed­dings and oth­er events.

C.F. Lott Home Admission

  • Check web­site for cur­rent pricing
  • Chil­dren Under 12 Free
  • Group/​classroom tours on Tues­day and Wednes­days by pri­or arrange­ment. Please call (530) 5382508

Sank Park Hours

Sank Park is open Mon.-Sat. 9am-9pm and Sun. 9am‑8:30pm