Chico Event Venues

Chico Creek Nature Center

  • 1968 East 8th Street, Chico, CA, USA
(530) 895-4711
Visit Website

The his­toric Chico Creek Nature Cen­ter offers a tru­ly unique, beau­ti­ful loca­tion for wed­dings and events. Whether you are look­ing for that small, inti­mate gath­er­ing of friends and fam­i­ly, or a grand event, they offer a vari­ety of pack­ages that will fit with­in your budget.

Ser­vices and Amenities

  • Pack­ages start­ing as low as $375
  • Capac­i­ty for up to 100 guests
  • Two cer­e­mo­ny sites to choose from
  • Recep­tion area
  • Ample park­ing
  • Restrooms
  • Pro­fes­sion­al, cour­te­ous staff to assist with main­te­nance dur­ing the event
  • Clean-up of facil­i­ty after the event