Chico Event Venues

TJ Farms Estate

  • 3600 Chico Avenue, Chico, CA, USA
(530) 343-2294
Visit Website

TJ Farms Estates is one of Butte Coun­ty’s pre­mier wed­ding and spe­cial event venues.

The sprawl­ing coun­try estate offers guests an idyl­lic set­ting, nes­tled among green orchards and flow­er­ing gar­dens. Say your I Do’s” under TJ Farms’ beau­ti­ful brick and white lat­tice patio, or the even more pop­u­lar gaze­bo, sur­round­ed by green gar­dens and bloom­ing flowers.

The old-world grace of this beau­ti­ful prop­er­ty is every­where — from the South­ern colo­nial estate house that greets vis­i­tors com­plete with ele­gant French doors, to the immac­u­late grounds, to the dig­ni­fied old wal­nut trees that tow­er above it all. All of this is only three miles from Down­town Chico.

What’s Includ­ed in the Rental Packages

  • 2 acres of lawn and land­scape grounds with water­fall, trel­lis­es, and gazebo
  • Sev­er­al inti­mate sit­ting areas and arbors
  • Indoor par­ty barn that can accom­mo­date up to 200 guests
  • 60 inch round tables and white fold­ing chairs for up to 200 guests
  • Move­able wet bar
  • Bridal suite
  • Out­door dance area with over­head lights
  • Per­ma­nent restroom
  • Out­door light­ing around the grounds
  • Large park­ing area
  • Ven­dor parking
  • Garbage cans and garbage disposal