Multiple Cities Getaway Artist Casual

Taste the Best Boba Spots in Butte County

Pre­pare to embark on a fla­vor­ful adven­ture through Butte County’s boba scene. Whether you’re already a fan or are look­ing to try some­thing new, you’re in for a treat at one of our three favorite boba tea spots!

Shake Tea

At Shake Tea in Down­town Oroville, cre­ativ­i­ty knows no lim­its. Step into this mod­ern and invit­ing boba haven, and be pre­pared to be amazed by their imag­i­na­tive drinks along with clas­sic com­bos. With friend­ly staff and a wel­com­ing atmos­phere, Shake Tea is a must-vis­it spot for both sea­soned boba lovers and new­com­ers alike.

Loca­tion: 1937 Bird St, Oroville

Taste the Best Boba Spots in Butte County

Project Tea

Chico’s Project Tea spe­cial­izes in pre­mi­um boba tea — from the mes­mer­iz­ing But­ter­fly Pea Flower Tea to the Insta­gram-wor­thy Rain­bow Burst, Project Tea push­es the bound­aries of boba inno­va­tion with unique fla­vor com­bi­na­tions. Not sure where to start? The knowl­edge­able staff are always there to guide you through their menu.

Loca­tion: 1008 W Sacra­men­to Ave Suite H, Chico

What is Boba Tea?

Nev­er heard of boba tea? Also known as bub­ble tea, boba tea (or sim­ply boba”) is a Tai­wanese drink made of fla­vored teas (with or with­out milk) mixed with chewy tapi­o­ca balls (“boba,” bub­bles,” or pearls”). With dozens of fla­vor options and a vari­ety of dif­fer­ent mix-in options, the num­ber of com­bi­na­tions you can cre­ate is prac­ti­cal­ly endless!

Boba Tea­Li­cious

For a cozy and delight­ful boba expe­ri­ence, look no fur­ther than Boba Tea­Li­cious . This hid­den gem in Down­town Chico will sat­is­fy your crav­ings for all things sweet, and you’ll love the friend­ly own­ers mak­ing your drink. Each drink is made with love and uses high-qual­i­ty ingre­di­ents, ensur­ing a burst of authen­tic fla­vor in every sip.

Loca­tion: 225 Main St M, Chico

Taste the Best Boba Spots in Butte County

With their unique fla­vors, com­mit­ment to qual­i­ty, and friend­ly ser­vice, these spots offer a taste of pure joy in every sip. So get ready for a boba tast­ing adven­ture through Butte County.