Paradise Getaway Artist

Why I Love Paradise

Real estate and home ren­o­va­tion experts, Chenoa and David Rivera, starred in Rus­tic Rehab on HGTV. Togeth­er, they ren­o­vate out­dat­ed homes in Par­adise for those look­ing for the small-town life. 

Why I Love Paradise

How did you find your­self in Par­adise? What made you stay?

We moved to Par­adise in 2011. We were sell­ing our home in Chico and look­ing for some­thing larg­er. We were shown our Par­adise house, and even though Par­adise was­n’t orig­i­nal­ly in our search, we imme­di­ate­ly fell in love with it. It was, at the time, a short-sale and we made an offer that was­n’t accept­ed. It was­n’t until a year lat­er we hap­pen to see it again after it had gone to fore­clo­sure for quite a bit less. We took a major risk in buy­ing it, as it was only 60 per­cent com­plete. We had our work cut out for us but def­i­nite­ly made the right deci­sion. We have an incred­i­ble view of the canyon and an amaz­ing sun­set every night. It’s a lit­tle burnt up around [around the prop­er­ty] but it still feels so peace­ful, which we love about Par­adise: the air seems clean­er, the stars are clos­er, and it has this per­fect bal­ance of qui­et rur­al set­ting and small com­mu­ni­ty vibe. Peo­ple know and remem­ber who you are.

Describe Par­adise to some­one who has nev­er been here 

Par­adise was a small­er com­mu­ni­ty east of Chico, and with it only being 10 – 20 min­utes from Chico, many peo­ple com­mut­ed to work. It offered an afford­able alter­na­tive to the Chico hous­ing mar­ket but also allowed peo­ple to live in a more moun­tain­ous set­ting. It attract­ed the out­doorsy peo­ple and gave peo­ple larg­er yards and more space than the typ­i­cal new­er sub­di­vi­sions being built. It offered every­thing you would need to have a thriv­ing com­mu­ni­ty: great schools, church­es, gro­cery stores, and activ­i­ties. Par­adise had a lot of out­door activ­i­ties and com­mu­ni­ty events that brought the com­mu­ni­ty together.

Paradise: Resiliency on The Ridge

In Butte Coun­ty, Par­adise & Mag­a­lia form a sub­re­gion that’s decid­ed­ly small-town, iso­lat­ed & unique­ly deter­mined to retain its rep­u­ta­tion of quaintness.

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What is your favorite sea­son in Par­adise? Why?

Our favorite sea­son in Par­adise would be fall: the weath­er begins to change and cool down (although the tem­per­a­ture is usu­al­ly always five to sev­en degrees cool­er than Chico). We love all of the large trees through­out Par­adise, and as the hol­i­day sea­son begins, Par­adise embod­ies the per­fect scenery for those cool­er nights when you want to curl up around the fire with fam­i­ly and friends. We also love the spring because every­thing begins to bloom and the air smells so good and clean after the rain.

If some­one only had one day to spend in Par­adise, what would you rec­om­mend they do? 

We would rec­om­mend any out of town vis­i­tors to come check out some of the hik­ing trails, Par­adise Lake, and the antique shops. Since the fire, a lot has changed, but Par­adise still has its trees, there is still beau­ty beyond its ash­es, and the peo­ple are so resilient. It has real­ly strength­en the com­mu­ni­ty and we are for­ev­er bond­ed. It will be a dif­fer­ent Par­adise after the loss of so much includ­ing the his­tor­i­cal pieces, but with that said, the foun­da­tion of what drew peo­ple to this qui­et lit­tle com­mu­ni­ty will stay the same. The land, the nature, the out­doors, the small­er com­mu­ni­ty size. I believe it will be a per­fect mix of young fam­i­lies and peo­ple look­ing to retire. We will nev­er be as expen­sive as the Bay Area, and every­thing will be new. The town will incor­po­rate some of the his­to­ry and pre­serve as much as pos­si­ble the orig­i­nal­i­ty of Par­adise — it will just be refreshed.