Find Your WOW

Find Your WOW

in Butte County

Sum­mer is the sea­son of WOW! Whether you’re explor­ing our wide-open won­ders or dis­cov­er­ing those WOW moments you did­n’t know you need­ed, Butte Coun­ty is a great place for a get­away. So pack the car, invite a friend or two, and get ready for an unfor­get­table week­end as you enjoy Butte Coun­ty clas­sics and dis­cov­er new favorites with our sum­mer itinerary.

Explore Chico

Tube the Sacra­men­to River

Noth­ing says sum­mer in Chico like spend­ing a few hours on the Sacra­men­to Riv­er. A favorite among the uni­ver­si­ty crowd, you’ll feel like you’re back in col­lege as you and your friends enjoy an after­noon laz­ing in inner tubes and crack­ing open some cold ones among wide-open riverway.

Grab a Drink

Con­tin­ue the reunion tour with drinks at the long-time uni­ver­si­ty hang­out Riley’s for immac­u­late col­lege vibes. For a more local expe­ri­ence, Duffy’s Tav­ern is a favorite Down­town Chico dive bar, while Argus Bar + Patio serves up a more ele­vat­ed experience.

Find the Per­fect Spot to Stay the Night

Wher­ev­er you want to stay and what­ev­er your bud­get, there’s an spot for you!

Brunch It Up

What’s a week­end get­away with­out a cham­pagne brunch? There’s no short­age of brunch options across Butte Coun­ty, but if you’re look­ing for more cel­e­bra­to­ry options, Chico’s Unwined Kitchen & Bar and Nash’s each serve cham­pagne and mimosas as part of their deli­cious brunch menu.

Explore Par­adise

Get Out­side Among the Pines

When those triple-dig­it sum­mer temps hit the val­ley, escape to the high­er ele­va­tion of the Par­adise Ridge for a slight reprieve and plen­ty of WOW moments. With calm waters and forest­ed shore­line, Par­adise Lake is a favorite for easy kayak­ing and trail hik­ing. If you’re look­ing for some­thing more remote, the Forks of Butte Creek Recre­ation Area fea­tures sev­er­al trails, prim­i­tive camp­sites, and even spots where you can pan for gold! 

Nosh at Nic’s

Fea­tur­ing cold and hot sand­wich­es, sal­ads, flat­breads, and share­able char­cu­terie boards, Nic’s Deli & Wine Bar is the place to cre­ate the per­fect pic­nic to enjoy on your adven­tures or dine-in with a glass of wine or beer post-adventure. 

Find Your WOW in Butte County

Explore Oroville

Spend the Day on the Water

If you’re a water enthu­si­ast, Lake Oroville is the place to be! With fish­ing, house­boat­ing, water ski­ing, sail­ing, kayak­ing, pad­dle­board­ing, and so much more, there will be no short­age of WOW moments when you’re on the water with your friends.

Find Your WOW in Butte County

Dine at Provisions

After hours on the lake, it’s time to unwind at Pro­vi­sions for din­ner and drinks. With a full bar, reg­u­lar live music, and a beau­ti­ful out­door patio, Pro­vi­sions is a local favorite for friends’ night out.

Dis­cov­er Down­town Oroville

If you nev­er explored Down­town Oroville before, now’s the time to dis­cov­er what you’ve been miss­ing! Immense­ly walk­a­ble and full of hid­den gems, Down­town Oroville is the city’s go-to spot for din­ing, bou­tique shop­ping, and arts and cul­ture events.