Oroville Outdoor Adventurer Hiking

Hike the Many Waterfalls Cross-Country Loop

Phan­tom Falls may be the most well-known water­fall at Table Moun­tain, but there are more water­falls that that one on the eco­log­i­cal reserve! In fact, dur­ing the rainy sea­son, the Many Water­falls Cross-Coun­try hike will have at least nine water­falls, with up to 14 flow­ing with­in a few days of a major rainstorm.

How­ev­er, their beau­ty is fleet­ing — the major ones, includ­ing Phan­tom Falls and Beat­son Falls, flow from the first storms in the win­ter through about April, while oth­ers only flow a few days after the big storms. All of them are dry through­out the summer.

If you are lucky and go on a hike after a big rain­storm in March, all the falls will be run­ning and there will be mil­lions of wild­flow­ers car­pet­ing the rocky flats (the entire area will also be very wet, which can make it dan­ger­ous to hike, giv­en the mud­dy, slip­pery con­di­tions and the many steep cliffs and drop-offs — so wear stur­dy shoes with good trac­tion and tread carefully).

Over­all, this loop makes for a great loca­tion for view­ing mul­ti­ple North­ern Cal­i­for­nia water­falls — all in one spot if you time your trip right.

Land Pass­es

A CDFW Lands Pass must be car­ried by each vis­i­tor who is 16 years of age or old­er, how­ev­er, vis­i­tors who are car­ry­ing a valid Cal­i­for­nia hunt­ing or fish­ing license in their name are exempt from this requirement. 

Lands pass­es may be pur­chased online , by phone at (800) 5651458, or in-per­son at loca­tions wher­ev­er hunt­ing and fish­ing licens­es are sold. Lands pass­es can­not be sub­sti­tut­ed for Wildlife Area Hunt­ing Pass­es, which are required for adult hunters on Type‑A and Type‑B wildlife areas.

Key Info

Trail Dif­fi­cul­ty: Dif­fi­cult

Trail Length & Type: 11.3 mile loop

Best Used: Novem­ber — April

Dogs: Allowed on leash

Trail Map: Many Water­falls Cross-Coun­try Loop map

Trip Tips for Respon­si­ble Travel

Make sure to help keep the reserve acces­si­ble by all by fol­low­ing oth­er Leave No Trace prin­ci­ples and hik­ing best prac­tices

Dogs must remain on-leash at all times

Trash cans and restrooms are avail­able only at the park­ing lot, so plan accord­ing­ly, and be pre­pared pick up after your­self and pack out all trash

Stay on estab­lished trails, or trav­el on durable sur­faces (like rocks or packed dirt) when off-trail trav­el is needed

Enjoy the views OF the wild­flow­ers, not IN the wild­flow­ers (don’t pick or walk on the wildflowers)

Respect the graz­ing cat­tle by stay­ing at least 300 feet away from them at all times.

The wild­flower blooms are best late Feb­ru­ary through April.

Drones are not allowed on the reserve with­out an appro­pri­ate film permit

Check out the Chico Hik­ing Asso­ci­a­tion for more infor­ma­tion on this hike (plus maps) and many oth­ers through­out Butte County.


Park­ing is avail­able in a grav­el lot on the west side of Chero­kee Road. The lot has a lim­it­ed num­ber of spaces, so please plan to arrive ear­ly for the best oppor­tu­ni­ties to park.

No park­ing on the pave­ment is allowed along the paved por­tion of Chero­kee Road, begin­ning approx­i­mate­ly 3.0 miles north of the inter­sec­tion of Ore­gon Gulch Road (large park­ing turnout near the crest of Chero­kee Road) to Der­rick Road (map ). Vehi­cles park­ing on the shoul­der must be parked com­plete­ly off the pave­ment; vio­la­tors are sub­ject to tow.

The road up to Table Moun­tain is a nar­row coun­try road, so dri­ve slow­ly and be aware of on-com­ing traf­fic, cross­ing ani­mals, and, as you get clos­er to the reserve’s entrance, pedes­tri­an crossing.