Multiple Cities Beer Lover Breweries

8 Craft Beer Breweries in Butte County

Since the launch of Sier­ra Neva­da Brew­ing Com­pa­ny and its infa­mous Pale Ale in the ear­ly 1980s, Chico has been a des­ti­na­tion for craft-beer enthu­si­asts look­ing to taste new and inter­est­ing brews fresh from the source. Plan your next vis­it and dis­cov­er all the North­ern Cal­i­for­nia craft beer Butte Coun­ty has to offer.

Sier­ra Neva­da Brew­ing Co.

The first major Chico craft brew­ery and the one that putt Butte Coun­ty on the inter­na­tion­al beer map, Sier­ra Neva­da Brew­ing Co. is a pop­u­lar attrac­tion for tourists and res­i­dents alike. Hop heads inter­est­ed in the brew­ing process will love the in-depth tours (with tast­ings at the end!) avail­able at the brew­ery — and even casu­al beer drinkers will enjoy the stan­dard tour. With a full-ser­vice restau­rant in the Tap­room, live events avail­able at the Big Room, and fun events through­out the year, you could spend a full day or more tast­ing your way through SNB’s brew options.

8 Craft Beer Breweries in Butte County

British Bull­dog Brewery

From teenage home brew­ing in Eng­land to a full-fledged Amer­i­can brew­ery in Chico, British Bull­dog Brew­ery cel­e­brates the owner’s dis­tinct cul­tur­al influ­ences. Cre­ate your own Ale Trail with the brewery’s vari­ety of Amer­i­can-style ales and IPAs and range of British beers. From stouts and porters to Eng­lish-style and Scot­tish ales, it’s as close to a clas­sic neigh­bor­hood pub as you can get with­out a plane tick­et. Enjoy a pint or two paired with a British-inspired meal before head­ing out for more shop­ping and explo­rations exclu­sive­ly at their restau­rant, The Allies Pub, in the heart of Down­town Chico.

8 Craft Beer Breweries in Butte County

Eck­ert Malt­ing and Brewing

They say neces­si­ty is the moth­er of inven­tion — and with a now-gluten intol­er­ant wife in des­per­ate need of a deli­cious gluten-free beer, tra­di­tion­al home brew­er Jim Eck­ert stepped up to cre­ate a rice-based beer. From that need grew Eck­ert Malt­ing & Brew­ing, a Chico-based com­mer­cial-scale gluten-free malt­ing and brew­ing enterprise. 

Feath­er Falls Brew­ing Company

Oroville’s only brew­ery goes all out with a slate of award-win­ning craft beers, a full-ser­vice restau­rant, and, oh yeah, a full-fledged casi­no. Just steps away from Feath­er Falls Casi­no & Lodge, Feath­er Falls Brew­ing Com­pa­ny is the best option for those look­ing to hit the slots. You can enjoy dozens of year-round and sea­son­al options to choose from — includ­ing in-house favorites Soar­ing Eagle Pil­sner and Danc­ing Trees Hefeweizen — which all pair per­fect­ly with their exten­sive food menu.

Mul­ber­ry Sta­tion Brewing

If you think the best way to enjoy beer is with a slice of piz­za, then Mul­ber­ry Sta­tion Brew­ing Com­pa­ny is the place for you. Locat­ed at the site of the his­toric Chico Elec­tric Rail­way, Mul­ber­ry Sta­tion serves up wood-fired piz­za — always made with fresh ingre­di­ents and a sig­na­ture cheese blend — along with hand­craft­ed beers that range from light lagers to dark stouts. Whether you come for the beer and enjoy the piz­za, or the oth­er way around, you’re sure to find some­thing delicious.

Nor Cal Brew­ing Company

The fam­i­ly-owned Nor Cal Brew­ing Com­pa­ny serves small-batch craft beer from their tap­room in the heart of the Brew­ery Dis­trict. While they pro­duce a range from light to dark beers, their most pop­u­lar drafts are their Hazy IPA and Calla­hans Pale Ale.

Ram­ble West Brewing

At the hyper-local Ram­ble West Brew­ing, savor a glass in their Chico tap­room, stay for the game, pair your pint with a plate from a local food truck, or grab a six-pack or two to enjoy at home! With a strong focus on com­mu­ni­ty, Ram­ble West Brew­ing is the per­fect spot for get­ting togeth­er with your friends (and mak­ing new ones!).

Secret Trail Brew­ing Co.

Born from a 1990s home-brew­ing prac­tice, Secret Trail Brew­ing Co. invites you to live and drink off the beat­en path” at their Chico tap­room. The micro­brew­ery fea­tures clas­sic styles and orig­i­nal inno­va­tions on tap, rang­ing from 4% wheat beer to an 11% bar­rel aged pas­try stout. And of course, a pint tastes just that much bet­ter when savored on their out­door patio with live music and tasty food from one of the ever-present, rotat­ing food trucks on-site. If you’re look­ing to taste a vari­ety of beers with strong fla­vor and char­ac­ter all in one place, Secret Trail is the place for you!