Chico Getaway Artist Arts

Exploring Public Art in Chico

When you think of Chico, there are prob­a­bly a few places that come to mind: Chico State, Sier­ra Neva­da, maybe even Kleen Kan­teen or Bid­well Park.

Well, you should add pub­lic art des­ti­na­tion” to that list.

Through­out Chico, you can find murals, sculp­tures, and oth­er art instal­la­tions on park­ing garages, in alleys, on build­ings, and in parks, and almost any place you can think of. Down­town Chico has dozens of paint­ings and sculp­tures all with­in walk­ing dis­tance. Below is a par­tial list of out­door pub­lic art (both pub­licly and pri­vate­ly fund­ed) through­out and near Down­town (and beyond) – try to find them all (and let us know if you find oth­ers not on our list)!

Explore the City of Chico Arts Com­mis­sion for more infor­ma­tion on the arts in Chico. Dur­ing the sum­mer the Chico Arts and Cul­ture Foun­da­tion also offers free Down­town Chico Pub­lic Art Tours; you can also sched­ule pri­vate or cus­tom tours on a dona­tion basis.

Main Street Murals

Found on or right off Main Street through­out the heart of Down­town Chico, these murals make for great self­ie backdrops.

"Unity," by Jed Speer (Chico Rotary Plaza, 7th & Wall)
"Love Safety Support Respect," by Jed Speer (3rd & Wall)
"The Club," by Jed Speer, Lori Escobar, Karen Riedler, Jay Buttel, Darrel Evans. Sponsored by Fifth Sun (Chico Rotary Plaza, 7th & Wall)
"Lions and Bubbles" by Gregg Payne (5th St. Alley between Main and Broadway)
"Bridges of Bridges" by Dylan Tellesen (Parking lot behind 601 Main St.)
"Compound History, Compound Images" by Lynn Criswell (Chico Municipal Center, 411 Main Street)
"Language House," by Scott Teeple (Mid Valley Parking Lot at 6th & Main)
"Robin Hood" (E. 4th & Main Parking Lot)
"Esplanade, or Trolly Murals I & II" by William EveryOne (City Plaza on Main St.)
"Awaken" by Caira Hart (Ital Imports, 341 Main St.)

Broad­way Murals

Run­ning par­al­lel to Main, Broad­way hous­es more unique and beau­ti­ful Chico murals.

"Together," by Jed Speer (Tres Hombres, 100 Broadway St.)
"Phoenix Reset," by William EverOne (3rd & Broadway)
"Salmon Run Mosaic," by Dan Evers (Hotel Diamond, 220 W. 4th Street)
"Downtown Kaleidoscope," by Jesus Ramirez (Ringel Park at 1st & Broadway)
"Peace and Harmony," by Shepard Fairey and Crew ( Von Zombo, Luka Densmore and Robert Zagula) (526 Broadway)
"Pony Express," by Ray Handy Crane (Chico Post Office, 5th & Broadway)
"The Bidwells," by Scott Teeple (Parking lot at 2nd & Broadway)

Chico State Murals

Locat­ed off Broad­way and 2nd, Chico State hous­es some spec­tac­u­lar murals as well. As the heart of Down­town Chico, it’s a must dur­ing the art walk.

"Today Decides Tomorrow,' by Lulu Lynn Smith (Taylor Hall, E. 1st at Salem)
"Academe," by John Pugh (Taylor Hall, E. 1st at Salem)
Face Wall, by Marek Walczak and Wes Heiss (Chico State Arts & Humanities Building, 2nd St.)

Oth­er Down­town Murals

Ven­ture off the main roads through down­town, and you’ll find still more murals inte­grat­ed into the city landscape. 

"Sign Language Mural," by Valerie Rose (@hellovalerierose) (W. 1st between Wall and Main)
"Sign Language is as Necessary as it is Beautiful," by Valerie Rose (@hellovalerierose) (Park Ave. & W. 11 St.)
"Forgotten Flowers," by Shane Grammer (W. 2nd & Cedar)
"1078 Gallery," by Siana Sonoquie (1710 Park Ave)
"La Cocina Economica Mural," by Shane Grammar (E. 4th & Wall)
"Tender Loving Coffee," by Wyatt Hersey (365 E. 6th)
"Monorail" (W. 7th & Orange)
"Discovery Shoppe Mural," by Gregg Payne (315 Flume St.)
"Normal Street & Bidwell Flour Mills," by Scott Teeple (2nd & Salem St., on the Chico History Museum)
"Peaces' of Chico," by Gregg Payne and Youth Nexus students (E. 1st & Vallambrosa Ave.)
"Salem Street Murals," by Dayton Claudio (Downtown Parking Structure, 3rd & Salem)
"Trees," by Scott Teeple (Chase Parking Lot, 200 Block of W. 2nd)

Greater Chico Murals

You’ll find great art out­side of the down­town area, though you may need to hop in the car to find these.

"Lawton's Art Space," by Dylan Tellesen (12555 Meridian Road)
"Basis Weightlifter," by David Selkirk (Basis Health & Performance, 177 E. 20th Street)

Sculp­tures & Installations

Beyond murals, you can find inter­est­ing 3‑D sculp­tures and instal­la­tions through­out the city. 

"Chico Foothills," by Elizabeth Devereaux (Chico Municipal Center, 411 Main)
"Our Hands," by Donna Billick (Chico Municipal Building, 411 Main)
"Dancing Trout," by Patrick Collentine and Susan Larsen (421 Main St.)
"Abbey Road" (12 Main St.)
"Diamond Alley Arches," by Kathleen Nartuhi and David Barta (Salem Street Parking Structure)
"Heritage Elm Sculpture," by Owen Gabbert (City Plaza on Main)
"Decide and Ride,' by Ed McLaughlin (One Mile Recreation Area in Bidwell Park)
"The Spiral," by Dave Brown (Oak Way Park, W. 8th)

Dis­cov­er More Pub­lic Art

Explor­ing Pub­lic Art in Oroville

Through­out Oroville in North­ern CA, you can find murals that reflect and cel­e­brate the city’s Gold Rush and agri­cul­tur­al history.

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Explor­ing Pub­lic Art in Paradise

In Par­adise CA, dis­cov­er a grow­ing num­ber of murals & oth­er pub­lic art that reflect the town’s his­to­ry and resilient character.

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