Look to the Sky

Look to the Sky

Birding in Butte County

Locat­ed along the great Pacif­ic Fly­way migra­tion path, Butte Coun­ty offers an abun­dance of bird­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties and activ­i­ties year-round, with the great­est view­ing in the fall and win­ter as mil­lions of birds stop dur­ing their annu­al migration.

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Snow Goose Fes­ti­val of the Pacif­ic Flyway

The Snow Goose Fes­ti­val of the Pacif­ic Fly­way is a year­ly cel­e­bra­tion of the mag­nif­i­cent spec­ta­cle of nature that is the annu­al win­ter­ing of thou­sands of beau­ti­ful Snow Geese and oth­er birds.

Run­ning from Jan. 22 – 26, 2020, the event fea­tures 5 days of field trips, work­shops, activ­i­ties, and more – all cel­e­brat­ing the beau­ty and won­der of birds.

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While You’re Here

While you’re in Butte Coun­ty for the Snow Goose Fes­ti­val, dine at one of the area’s deli­cious restau­rants and dis­cov­er the under-the-radar culi­nary scene dur­ing the 2nd annu­al Butte Coun­ty Restau­rant Week. You can also explore more of the (non-bird­ing) out­doors with the fam­i­ly or find ways to warm up after your bird­ing adven­tures. What­ev­er you’re look­ing for, Butte Coun­ty has it.

Win­ter Fam­i­ly Adventure

Butte Coun­ty in North­ern CA is a fan­tas­tic place to enjoy win­ter, so have fun in a tem­per­ate win­ter won­der­land with our Win­ter Fam­i­ly Adven­ture itinerary.

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Chill to Charm: A Cozy Win­ter Week­end in Butte County

Embrace win­ter mag­ic in Butte Coun­ty, Cal­i­for­nia with a two-day itin­er­ary that is packed with cozy adven­tures that will keep you toasty from the inside out

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Come Again

Whether you can’t make it for the Snow Goose Fes­ti­val or want to explore some more on your own, you can enjoy bird­ing – and more – through­out the year in Butte County.