Welcome to Chico

Welcome to Chico

Find great Chico din­ing, shop­ping, recre­ation, and more!

Jump to: Restau­rants | Shop­ping | Out­doors | Events & Cul­ture | Brew­eries

Eat & Dine

Get your fill on deli­cious fare found through­out Chico. You can’t go wrong with the sug­ges­tions below, but there’s more than can be list­ed in Chico and beyond!


A trip to Down­town Chico will offer the best oppor­tu­ni­ty to dis­cov­er unique finds from local shops all in one con­ve­nient loca­tion, though, of course, there’s more to be found beyond Downtown. 


Dis­cov­er the fun and beau­ty that awaits you through­out Chico. From icon­ic parks to scenic trails, there’s plen­ty to explore while you’re in town (and even more through­out the county). 

Events & Culture

With a vari­ety of muse­ums, a vibrant Down­town, and a vari­ety of Insta­gram­ma­ble spots, Oroville has plen­ty for those seek­ing out arts and cul­ture expe­ri­ences. Explore our sug­ges­tions below. You can can also see the entire events cal­en­dar here .


Relax after a long day with a glass from a local brew­ery (or win­ery, if you prefer).