Ag-tourism Fall 2019

The Boun­ty of Butte County

Butte County’s deep agri­cul­tur­al roots reach back to the ear­li­est inno­va­tions in Cal­i­for­nia farm­ing, from one of the found­ing fathers of mod­ern Cal­i­for­nia agri­cul­ture to the moth­er of the mod­ern olive oil indus­try. Today, large and small farms car­ry on the lega­cy of qual­i­ty and inno­va­tion that has exist­ed in Butte Coun­ty for more than 100 years, pro­duc­ing some of the state’s best olive oils, fruit, rice and nuts — and open­ing their doors for vis­i­tors to taste and expe­ri­ence Butte Coun­ty agriculture.

What’s Fresh: Butte Coun­ty Farm­ers Markets

From olive oil to pis­ta­chios & peach­es to kiwi, you’ll find a wide vari­ety of the fresh­est CA fruits & veg­eta­bles at farm­ers mar­kets through­out the county.

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In Sea­son: Farm-to-Table Meals at Grana

Grana chef/​owner Jeff King cre­ates sea­son­al farm-to-fork dish­es for a deli­cious Butte Coun­ty din­ing expe­ri­ence in Down­town Chico in North­ern California.

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Getting the latest events from Butte365

Sier­ra Oro Farm Trail

Enjoy the best of the farm-to-fork and straight-from-the-vine food in Butte Coun­ty dur­ing the annu­al Sier­ra Oro Farm Trail Pass­port Weekend on Oct. 12 – 13, 2019.

An e‑Passport opens the doors to a food and wine extrav­a­gan­za where local spe­cial­ty farms and winer­ies host vis­i­tors and cel­e­brate agri­cul­ture. Some of the high­lights include tasty arti­san olive oils, spe­cial­ty nuts and award-win­ning wines and the oppor­tu­ni­ty to meet the local farm­ers and wine­mak­ers. Par­tic­i­pants can set their own pace as they explore a vari­ety of more than 30 farms and winer­ies along the trail.

Check out some of this year’s par­tic­i­pants and get ready for a delight­ful­ly deli­cious weekend!