Multiple Cities Getaway Artist

Love Is In The Air

As the days grow a lit­tle longer and the weath­er a lit­tle warmer, we can all feel the love in the air. With more sun­ny days and more blos­soms on the trees, it’s a great a time to cruise through the coun­ty dur­ing the day while stay­ing warm indoors with that spe­cial some­one as the sun sets.

Day 1

Bike in Butte County

Butte Coun­ty has miles of bike trails to enjoy. From bik­ing near Lake Oroville or through the Oroville State Wildlife Area to chal­leng­ing your­self on the rocky ter­rain of Upper Bid­well Park in Chico, there’s a path for everyone. 

Love Is In The Air

Relive a His­toric Love Sto­ry at the C.F. Lott Home

After lunch, take a stroll through the C.F. Lott Home Muse­um in Sank Park in Oroville. A Vic­to­ri­an revival style struc­ture, the C.F. Lott Home was built in 1856 by Judge” Lott, a gold-rush pio­neer and State Sen­a­tor who helped form California’s gov­ern­ment and start­ed the first Cit­rus Exchange in Cal­i­for­nia. A tour of the house reveals sto­ries of the Lott fam­i­ly and their impor­tance to ear­ly Cal­i­for­nia, includ­ing the love sto­ry between Lott’s daugh­ter, Cor­nelia, and Jesse Sank. 

Treat Your­self

Treat your­self to some self-care at one of Oroville’s mas­sage and spa loca­tions, includ­ing Pure Spa and Ulti­mate Bal­ance Massage . Indulge in a mas­sage, pedi­cure or facial for the ulti­mate expe­ri­ence in show­ing your­self the love you deserve. With cus­tomized treat­ments avail­able, you’re going to walk away feel­ing like your best self. Check their web­site for spe­cif­ic ser­vices and pricing.

Dine at Provisions

After a long day, it’s time to refu­el and relax, so head over to Pro­vi­sions in Oroville for good ser­vice, wel­com­ing atmos­phere, and a hearty meal. Also enjoy reg­u­lar live music in their his­toric building.

Day 2

Go for a Run

The trees are start­ing to come alive again, so now’s a time to enjoy the blos­soms through­out Butte Coun­ty. Explore miles of Bid­well Park on foot or one of the many oth­er parks through­out the city. Want­i­ng to explore more? Lace up your sneak­ers and head out to Durham for the annu­al Almond Blos­som Run at the end of Feb­ru­ary. The 5K or 10K starts and fin­ish­es at the Durham rose gar­den, while the flat paved route fol­lows along beau­ti­ful bloom­ing almond orchards. A pic­ture-per­fect run for the fit­ness-focused couple.

Dine at Sicil­ian Café

The long-time Chico favorite Sicil­ian Café is an inti­mate Ital­ian restau­rant per­fect for any date night. Enjoy a deli­cious hap­py hour, full bar, and exten­sive wine menu. Locat­ed in the heart of Down­town Chico, you can savor a meal (or two) at Sicil­ian Café and then tour the rest of Downtown.

Love Is In The Air

Go on a Pub­lic Art Scav­enger Hunt

Look­ing for a more mel­low out­ing? Or per­haps you still have some ener­gy left at the race. Either way, head out to Chico with your sweet­ie and a smart­phone to enjoy a pub­lic art scav­enger hunt. There are dozens of murals paint­ed on var­i­ous walls, bridges, and hid­den alleys as well as oth­er sculp­tures and art instal­la­tions. Take sweet self­ies in front of them all and have fun as you explore the vibrant out­door art scene in Chico — and see if you can find some not on our list!

Write a Love Note at Wild Ink Press

Revive the lost art of let­ter writ­ing with a vis­it to Wild Ink Press. The lit­tle let­ter­press stu­dio designs and man­u­fac­tures from start to fin­ish wit­ty and pret­ty greet­ing cards, sta­tionery and oth­er paper goods in its down­town shop ren­o­vat­ed from an old soda bot­tling plant. Whether roman­tic or sil­ly, pick up a few cards for your bet­ter half and sur­prise them with love notes on one-of-a-kind prints while you’re in town, or save a few for when you’re back home. Because any­time is a good time to tell some­one how you feel.

Love Is In The Air

Savor a Glass at Wine Time

For din­ner, enjoy a few hours at Wine Time. The small plates restau­rant spe­cial­izes in sea­son­al dish­es made with farm fresh local ingre­di­ents and offers an exten­sive wine list and week­ly tast­ings. You’re encour­aged to share plates, try new wine pair­ings, and relax, so enjoy!

Stay at the Good­man House His­toric Inn or Hotel Diamond

Enjoy a roman­tic stay at the Good­man House His­toric Inn, where the rooms are dec­o­rat­ed in antique Euro­pean fur­nish­ings, fine linens, and fresh flow­ers. Or, relax at the Hotel Dia­mond, a his­toric build­ing fea­tur­ing an ele­gant foy­er, dec­o­rat­ed with antique fur­ni­ture, cus­tom wood­work, and etched glass that reflects the his­toric charm of the orig­i­nal hotel. For more options, explore the lodg­ing page.

Love Is In The Air