Discover the WOW of Butte County

Discover the WOW of Butte County

Sum­mer is the sea­son of WOW! Whether you’re explor­ing our wide-open won­ders or dis­cov­er­ing those WOW moments you did­n’t know you need­ed, Butte Coun­ty is a great place for a get­away. So pack the car and get ready for an unfor­get­table week­end of Butte Coun­ty clas­sics and new favorites with our per­fect-for-the-whole-fam­i­ly sum­mer itinerary!

Explore Chico

Chico State University

Few things are as quin­tes­sen­tial­ly Chico as strolling the scenic cam­pus of Chico State Uni­ver­si­ty. It won’t take long before the younger mem­bers of your fam­i­ly start imag­in­ing what it would be like to be a Chico State stu­dent them­selves (or for you to pic­ture vis­it­ing on fam­i­ly weekends).

Brunch It Up

What’s a week­end with­out brunch? There’s no short­age of brunch options across Butte Coun­ty, but for a clas­sic Chico brunch expe­ri­ence, Mom’s in Down­town Chico and Sin of Cortez on the Esplanade are long­time favorites of locals and stu­dents alike. And for the true col­le­giate expe­ri­ence, and Madi­son Bear Gar­den is a must — and all ages are allowed until 9pm.

Plunge into Bid­well Park Swim­ming Holes

When triple dig­its hit, there’s no bet­ter way to beat the heat than with a dip in Bid­well Park’s famous swim­ming holes. From the one-of-kind Sycamore Pool to the icon­ic Bear Hole to the remote and scenic Salmon Hole, there’s a unique and acces­si­ble spot for everyone.

Explore Down­town Chico

As the heart of the city, Down­town Chico is the go-to spot for din­ing, shop­ping, and gen­er­al peo­ple watch­ing. Pop­u­lar events call Down­town Chico home, includ­ing the pop­u­lar Thurs­day Night Mar­ket. Part street fair, part farm­ers mar­ket, Thurs­day Night Mar­ket is a warm weath­er favorite, run­ning week­ly from April through September.

Discover the WOW of Butte County

Find the Per­fect Spot to Stay the Night

Wher­ev­er you want to stay and what­ev­er your bud­get, there’s an spot for you! Find the per­fect lodg­ing here.

Dine Out­side

Sum­mer is for din­ing alfres­co, and you don’t have to leave Down­town to find plen­ty of deli­cious options. The Allies Pub offers a more seclud­ed and scenic din­ing expe­ri­ence, while Park­side Tap House and Wood­stock­’s Piz­za are great options for more casu­al fare and even fun games — plus easy access to Sweet Chico Con­fec­tions and Shu­bert’s Ice Cream & Can­dy for dessert.

Explore Oroville

Spend the Day on the Water

If you’re a water enthu­si­ast, the Fore­bay Aquat­ic Cen­ter is the place to be! Rent kayaks, ped­al boats, hyr­do bikes, and more, and dis­cov­er for your­self all the WOW moments you’ll cre­ate when you’re on the water with family.

Discover the WOW of Butte County

Dine at Union

After hours on the lake, it’s time to unwind at Union for din­ner and drinks. With a full bar, reg­u­lar live music, and a beau­ti­ful out­door patio, Union is a local favorite for a night out with the family