Design & Layout Demo

Design & Layout Demo

Butte Coun­ty is open and ready to wel­come you, so come explore all that it has to offer. Dis­cov­er strik­ing water­falls, hid­den swim­ming holes, and miles of trails. Browse unique local shops where you can find the per­fect gifts to take home. Catch a show or check out a muse­um in the vibrant arts and cul­ture scene. Or stroll through qui­et vine­yards and taste farm-fresh, local­ly made goods. What­ev­er you’re look­ing for, come and explore the sig­na­ture attrac­tions that top any explorer’s list when vis­it­ing Butte County.

Addi­tion­al Cat­e­go­ry Block Styles

There are cat­e­go­ry block styles that are left or right oriented.

Don’t Wor­ry – We still Have the Cat­e­go­ry Blocks with Back­ground Images…

Design & Layout Demo

Cat­e­go­ry with Back­ground Image

Just pick a back­ground image, and the cat­e­go­ry block will auto­mat­i­cal­ly switch to this style. You can left, cen­ter, or right align the content.

Explore Outdoor

Enough Cat­e­gories. What Else Have We Got?

Let’s see some more block types from our con­tent builder…

Design & Layout Demo
Single image.

Grid of Images

A grid of images will open in a carousel.

Floating Sacramento River 43 WEB EDITED

Text Block With Image

This text block is two-col­umn with a left-aligned image.

You can also align the image to the right…

Woodpecker butte county ca fall birding
Cap­tions are pos­si­ble too.

Right-aligned Image in a Text Block

This text sec­tion is split into two columns with an image next to the text on the right.

Table Heading Second Column
Lovely tables... are a must
This example... is a bust.

Entry Options

It’s often impor­tant to fea­ture one or more cus­tom entries.

L&T Farms

L&T Farms in Chico, Cal­i­for­nia, offers a sea­son­al farm stand, u‑pick peach­es, nec­tarines, and cher­ries in the sum­mer, and an Octo­ber pump­kin patch.

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Sofi'z Kitchen and Bar

Sofi’z Kitchen and Bar is the only restau­rant in Chico, Cal­i­for­nia spe­cial­iz­ing in authen­tic Pak­istani cui­sine. All food is cooked fresh dai­ly & made to-order

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